Calling Nevada's Incoming Speaker Racist, Sexist And Homophobic Would Be A Huge Understatement

Nov 21, 2014 08:17

Ira Hansen is a Republican member of the Nevada State Assembly. He's served since his 2011 swearing-in, and with his party's newly acquired majority, he was recently named its candidate for speaker.

Hansen also has a history of making sexist, homophobic and racist comments. He has gone after Israel, newcomers to Nevada and low-ranking members of his own party. To name a few.

Hansen wrote a column for the Sparks Tribune for a period of 13 years, in which he aired these -- and many, many other -- grievances. Since the Tribune only recently went online, these columns went largely unnoticed and were difficult to track. The Reno News and Review took the liberty of reviewing every single one of Hansen's columns on microfilm, and it published its findings Thursday.

The report summarizes some of the most contentious comments Hansen made about women, black and Hispanic people, gay individuals and others in the columns he wrote under a Confederate flag.

“I fly it proudly in honor and in memory of a great cause and my brave ancestors who fought for that cause," Hansen wrote.

In the new term, Nevada Republicans will hold majorities in both chambers of the state legislature as well as the governorship for the first time since the Great Depression. With Hansen as speaker, Nevada is in for a treat.

Below, some of The Reno News and Review's most notable findings.

On Women

"Today, when Army men look at women in the ranks with 'longing in their eyes' it very well may constitute ’sexual harassment.’ The truth is, women do not belong in the Army or Navy or Marine Corps, except in certain limited fields."

"Women, historically, have been the nurturers and mothers while men have been the providers and defenders."

“So what happened between 1960 and 2001? Major social changes that negatively affected the family. Childbearing was reduced to an average of two kids. … Divorce rates skyrocketed. ’Child care’ became an industry. Child abuse skyrocketed. Thanks to the ’sexual revolution’ and the ’women’s liberation movement,’ women chose to act as foolishly as men, and illegitimacy also went through the roof. … Abortions get about one out of every four children conceived.”

On Black People

"The lack of gratitude and the deliberate ignoring of white history in relation to eliminating slavery is a disgrace that Negro leaders should own up to."

"King's private life was trashy at best. … King Jr. is as low as it gets, a hypocrite, a liar, a phony, and a fraud."

"The shrewd and calculating [black] 'leaders' are willing to sacrifice the children of their own race to gratify their lust for power and position. The relationship of Negroes and Democrats is truly a master-slave relationship, with the benevolent master knowing what’s best for his simple minded darkies. For American blacks, being denied choice and forced to attend the failing and inferior government school system is a form of involuntary servitude. Let’s call it what it truly is -- educational slavery."

On Latinos

"Locally, gangs and their associated criminal activity are obviously dominated by immigrants, especially Hispanic immigrants. You cannot read a story about criminals or watch a news report locally without noticing a grossly disproportionate amount of Hispanic involvement."

On Gay People

"Considering only about 2 percent of adult males are homosexuals, the numbers show why homosexuals have been historically regarded as such a threat. Male homosexuals are grossly disproportionate in child molestation cases, and the youth orientation of male homosexuality drives this trend."

"I've been keeping a rough tally on homosexual/heterosexual molesters as reported locally, and roughly half of all molestations involve homosexual men preying on boys."

On Israel

"What exactly is it about Israel that makes it so important to the United States? Why are all our actions there designed exclusively to benefit Israel? If Israel ceased to exist tomorrow, what impact would that have on the U.S.? … Israel is a tiny country, roughly 8,000 square miles, about the size of Washoe County, with a total population of approximately 5.5 million people. Twenty percent of those are Arabs. By way of contrast, the Muslim world has about one billion people or roughly 995 million people more than Israel. And most importantly, the Muslim/Arab countries have something of utmost importance to the U.S. -- oil."

"The success of the Israeli propaganda machine, aided and abetted by many duped Christian simpletons in the United States, can be observed by the general consensus, frequently publicly expressed, that Jerusalem and the holy land was until recently almost meaningless to the Muslims. Our ignorance of history is taken advantage of, and this knowledge vacuum is felled with half-truths and distortions of fact."

Head over to The Reno News and Review for more.

By Ashley Alman. Posted: 11/20/2014 3:12 pm EST. Updated: 11/20/2014 3:18 pm EST.


you stay classy, wtf, oh shit the internet is here, child abuse / csa, republican party, scapegoating, military, republicans, sexual harassment, scumbags, nevada, martin luther king jr., women, race / racism, slavery, israel, sexism, homophobia, crime, hispanic/latin@ people, fuck this guy, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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