Are Feminists Taking Over Video Games?

Oct 15, 2014 09:43

How often do video game journalists write about feminism, sexism, or misogyny?

Of 130,524 articles from 23 game outlets in a 12-month period, only 0.41% referenced feminism, sexism, or misogyny.

- Morgan Ramsay (@MorganRamsay) September 13, 2014

For several years, I have been downloading full-text articles from major video game media outlets. As Read more... )

violence against women, media, sexual harassment, not intended to be a factual statement, video games, sexism, journalism, this is gonna be good

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spyral_out October 15 2014, 19:00:20 UTC
I've been neck-deep in the GamerGate issue since day one. It says a lot about how stressful it has been that my first response to this headline was knee-jerk nausea. I am glad what followed wasn't what I expected it to be.

I can't wait until this is over. It's been absolutely horrible, and facts like the ones presented in this have done absolutely nothing to change GGers behavior. I just hope that the media attention that has happened this week continues to drown out the hostility and make people realize how unacceptable GG behavior has been.


lafinjack October 15 2014, 20:18:56 UTC
I am glad what followed wasn't what I expected it to be.


spyral_out October 15 2014, 20:33:36 UTC
Not so much the case now that journalism has taken so heavily to the internet and journalists don't always have formal educations in the field.


lafinjack October 15 2014, 20:36:29 UTC
Stop ruining everything with your FACTS. *sob*


spyral_out October 15 2014, 21:20:23 UTC
Sorry :(


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