Social outcasts?

Oct 04, 2014 18:19

Republican candidates are retreating from debates on abortion, gay marriage, and contraception.One month before the midterms, the general election debates are underway. Aiming at a broad electorate, candidates are looking for issues where the public agrees with them and dodging issues where they might lose votes. Democrats aren’t talking much about ( Read more... )

excuze me wtf r u doin, massachusetts, virginia, texas, republicans. lol, republican party, iowa, colorado, arizona, birth control, abortion, republicans, elections, north carolina, marriage equality

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that_which October 5 2014, 01:09:34 UTC
Nixon took on the defecting dixiecrats and traded the traditional Republican slightly-less-bad stance on racial issues for southern votes. Reagan made cause with evangelicals because there weren't enough people with the Republicans on economic issues. Then, Karl Rove said that Bush stopped pretending to be the centrist he ran as in his first term because Rove decided there weren't enough swing voters to make a majority, so he had to rile up the hard right to vote in greater numbers by crushing Democrats into the dust. The idea was to start a riot and change the rules to stay in power permanently before most folks got a chance to vote on it.

The problem is that their thousand year reich failed, the largest single demographic is hispanic, the kids learned more about life from Fox sitcoms than they did from Fox News, corporate financial donors are pushing them on gay marriage, even the densest voters out there know they can't count on Roe v Wade to protect their rights from the GOP, and their core voters are dying or defecting to the fringey bombthrowing groups paid for by the rogue billionaires of the Tea Party.

Of course they're running. They sowed their own land with salt.


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