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scolaro August 30 2014, 05:37:11 UTC
If this article was featuring ANYONE ELSE than Kirk Cameron it would be satire...


lafinjack August 30 2014, 06:58:46 UTC
No way, they've got Hercules, Superman, AND a Baldwin!


scolaro August 30 2014, 07:09:18 UTC
Oh dear...I stand corrected. o.O'


moonbladem August 30 2014, 14:30:39 UTC
Yeah, Kevin Sorbo can shut the fuck up, especially since he called the Ferguson protestors "animals" and "losers".

I could barely stomach those previews. Who the hell says Christians can't put up their nativity scenes during Christmas? I haven't. What I object to is the idea that, to them, freedom of religion means forcing their beliefs down everyone else's throats. And if I want to say "Happy Holidays" or "Season's Greetings" that's my choice.

... )


amyura August 30 2014, 17:38:04 UTC
Oh man, is Henry Cavill THAT bad? I know the conservatives love to claim him because he's pro-military, but has he done anything on the level of Kevin Sorbo or Kirk Cameron? :(


thedisassociate August 30 2014, 18:53:22 UTC
I don't know about Henry Cavill, but I'm pretty sure they were talking about Dean Cain, who is in the trailer for that second movie with Sorbo.


lafinjack August 30 2014, 22:07:26 UTC
Ohhhh, huh, I didn't even know Henry Cavill was a somebody, much less someone playing Superman. Yeah, I meant Dean Cain Superman.


lafinjack August 30 2014, 22:09:51 UTC
Double dumb on me, I was confusing Henry Cavill with Ted McGinley.


bleed_peroxide August 30 2014, 20:31:16 UTC
I've never understood why it's so fucking awful to just include everyone by saying "season's greetings" instead of shoving Christmas down everyone's throats. "Save Christmas". What the fuck is there to save? The holiday is gonna happen regardless.


lafinjack August 30 2014, 21:15:12 UTC
We have always been at war with Christasia.


bleed_peroxide August 30 2014, 21:33:03 UTC
How dare they decorate trees with ornaments and sing carols!

Honestly, even when I was pious Back In The Day, I thought the church was overreacting with their War On Christmas bullshit. I remember asking one of my Bible study teachers why saying "happy holidays" was so awful, and she tried explaining in a manner that made it sound as though my okay-ness with inclusiveness negated my beliefs.

Unsurprisingly, this attitude is part of why I left the church.


lafinjack August 30 2014, 22:10:38 UTC
It's an inclusive religion, as long as you conform to everything they want you to do.


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