Ukraine Election Results Discredit Kremlin Propaganda

Jun 05, 2014 23:37

There was no democratic uprising in Kiev. There was an illegal coup d’etat, led by a motley crew of fascists, ultra-nationalists and anti-Semites. Viktor Yanukovych, the ousted president, was certainly no saint, but he was the winner of a free and fair election in 2010. Those who toppled Yanukovych had only the support of the mob that gathered in the Maidan.

These are the basic tropes of the propaganda broadcast relentlessly by Kremlin-controlled media for the past three months. Western media have generally proved resistant to such nonsense, but various policy experts and commentators have given such propaganda far more credit than they should.

Election Results an Embarrassment for the Far Right

The supposed reservoirs of reactionary thinking in western Ukraine generated an embarrassing 1% of the vote for Oleh Tyagnibok of ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party and less than 1% for Dmitry Yarosh of the new Right Sector party that sprung up during the protests.

A story run by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency notes that Tyagnibok and Yarosh together received fewer votes than Vadim Rabinovich, a Jewish candidate who captured a little over 2% of the ballots. In addition,

Alexander Levin, president of the Jewish Community of Kiev, wrote on Facebook that Tyagnybok and Yarosh’s failure to match Rabinovich “showed that in Ukraine, there is no policy of-Semitism, period.”

Results Also a Repudiation of Yanukovych

Viktor Yanukovych actually won a free and fair election in 2010 before initiating his efforts to subvert Ukrainian democracy. If what happened in February were a coup d’etat, then one would expect the public to express some lingering support for their ousted president, or at least his party. Yet Mikhail Dobkin, candidate of Yanukovych’s Party of Regions received somewhere in the neighborhood of 3-4%. Even in eastern Ukraine, Dobkin failed to show much strength.

Poroshenko Wins a Decisive National Mandate

The biggest story of the Ukrainian elections was forecast by every major opinion poll: Petro Poroshenko won a clear majority in the first-round of voting, forty points ahead of Yulia Tymoshenko, another leader of the democratic opposition that ousted Yanukovych.

What few media reports have explained is that Poroshenko performed extremely well in the eastern oblasts (provinces) of Ukraine that are supposed reservoirs of anti-Kiev, anti-Maidan sentiments. The Financial Times stands out for its excellent infographic which enables readers to see both Poroshenko’s total as well as the turnout in each oblast.

Besides Donetsk and Luhansk, where Kremlin-backed forces violently disrupted the election, Poroshenko received in the upper-40s in every eastern oblast, winning an outright majority in several. No other candidate did that well in a single oblast. While polls suggest that easterners were truly apprehensive about the Maidan revolution and the interim government, they clearly demonstrated their support for Poroshenko.

There is No “Civil War” in Ukraine - Just Russian Intervention

The Kremlin has relentlessly described the situation in eastern Ukraine as one of “civil war”. As violence grew, that characterization took on some shreds of credibility, even though the unrest was bought and paid for in Moscow. But now it’s clear that the “little green men” were only able to provoke chaos in the two border provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk. Those provinces are significant - their population is roughly five million, or about 15% of the countrywide total. Yet they are only one slice of eastern Ukraine, which supposedly tilts toward Moscow.

The bottom line is that the only threat to the liberty of Russian-speaking Ukrainians comes from Moscow, not Kiev. The population of Donetsk and Luhansk was deprived of the right to choose their own government - not by Kiev, but by Putin’s thugs.

Now What?

The crisis is certainly not over, but Ukraine now has a president who can take decisive steps to put down the Kremlin-backed separatists. Poroshenko can also represent the country with confidence in international negotiations. There should no longer be fears that a firm stand by Kiev will antagonize the east and generate sympathy for Moscow.

Of course, Putin still has Crimea. He will likely assert his control over the territorial waters surrounding Crimea, which may possess significant energy reserves. It is also possible that Putin will attempt to spark another wave of violence in eastern Ukraine once he’s finished licking his wounds.

The challenge facing the West is twofold: First, to strengthen Ukraine so that it can resist Putin on its own. Second, to identify alternative energy supplies and other resources that would enable the West to impose meaningful sanctions the next time Putin threatens the peace.


ukraine, propaganda

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