AMC Theaters CEO Calls Obamacare Delays 'Troublesome'

Mar 26, 2014 12:30

Theaters across the country have begun changing the way they do business because of the Affordable Care Act, even though key provisions have been delayed.

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aca / obamacare, business, health care, insurance

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shortsweetcynic March 26 2014, 20:40:22 UTC
god, i miss the insurance we had when my hubby was a supervisor there. $40 a month for both of us with AMAZING coverage through aetna.

yesterday i did my pricing in the marketplace so i could sign up and for both of us, it'll be $400 a month for the worst insurance available. i'm kinda heartbroken, because that's half the mortgage, that's way more than we'd accept for a car payment, but i really wanted to make this work. we're seriously considering just paying the fine this year and signing up after he's out of school and employed.


fenris_lorsrai March 26 2014, 20:56:38 UTC
what's available sadly varies a lot by state and some of them have really competative affordable plans and some have few options and they're all expensive. plus you have whether or not the state expanded Medicaid or not.

Its such a total crapshoot as to what individuals can get that its really aggravating.


tabaqui March 27 2014, 04:56:05 UTC
My state didn't do the expanded Medicaid - they're trying to push it through now, we'll see - and just for *me*, it's looking like over 200 a month, which we cannot afford. My SO has health care through the VA, and the Monstrous Bebe has state health care (for kids 19 and younger), so i need to do *something*.....

Might, like shortsweetcynic said, take the fine and wait and hope they expand Medicaid.


shortsweetcynic March 27 2014, 10:52:15 UTC
yeah. it's florida; they've been fighting every aspect of ACA tooth and nail from the very beginning (which seems incredibly counterintuitive - hello, i think the average age here is 65).

so i'm not terribly surprised, but even knowing i wasn't going to have great options, i wasn't expecting that.


fenris_lorsrai March 28 2014, 02:22:10 UTC
They got theirs so why should they give a shit if young folks get anything. They don't want to government meddling in their Medicare! THAT'S SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCIALISM!

I'm up in CT and they seem to have gone the opposite direction of most places and its actually now fairly easy to qualify table of incomes They also mandated that essential benefits package for ANY qualifying plan MUST include abortion services. Not as an add on. its included. (plus some types of dental surgery)



rhysande March 26 2014, 21:20:09 UTC
Can your husband get student health insurance through his school?


shortsweetcynic March 27 2014, 10:49:33 UTC
i had no idea that was a thing! i'll ask him when he gets up - even if it's just a stopgap to get us through the next year, it would be SOMETHING. thank you!


keeperofthekeys March 28 2014, 03:19:57 UTC
I hope that can work for you! If the school is decent sized, especially, there should be something. At my uni all students are required to have health insurance, and those who can't get coverage via their parents/spouses/other situations are covered by the student health plan. If it's at all similar to my RA/TA plan, it's a damn good plan (saying that as someone who needs to go to the dr ever 1-3 months for mental health reasons, as well as see a therapist 2x a week, and I have meds that aren't on generic yet).


serendipity_15 March 28 2014, 14:54:38 UTC
Yeah, you should see if that's a possibility. Seriously, grad school is the only reason I have health insurance at the moment, it's only mandatory for international students and like the medical/nursing students so for everyone else it's optional. My mother's insurance paid for more stuff and the deductible wasn't as high as my student plan but it's something at least.


maladaptive March 27 2014, 13:53:11 UTC
I see you're FL too! I'm in the marketplace and seeing prices I was quoted when I first called around--about $200. Which then got doubled because I'm high risk (because of retin-a. Because of acne.) I'm worried I'll sign up for something and an adjustor will hit me up with that nonsense again.

Like seriously I am a healthy 20-something and acne has been my biggest medical expense in my life.

Turns out that Miami-Dade is one of the most expensive counties in the state for insurance (health insurance, car insurance... maybe I should've moved to Broward.)


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