Mass breastfeeding session supports mum branded 'tramp' on Facebook

Mar 18, 2014 12:12

Emily Slough organised an event to defy internet trolls who criticised her for feeding baby Matilda in public.

Midland mums took to the streets for a mass public breastfeeding today, in support of the Staffordshire mother labelled a “tramp” for feeding her baby in public.

They sat down in Market Street, Rugeley, then calmly breast-fed their sons and daughters in front of a large crowd of onlookers, many of them also mums with babes in arms.

Emily Slough, 27, was targeted by internet trolls after she stopped to feed her eight-month-old daughter Matilda during a shopping trip in the town.

A passer-by photographed the mum as she sat on a step then cruelly posted it online - with the word “tramp” printed next to the image.

Emily, who comes from Rugeley, was so incensed that she started her own campaign and organised the mass breastfeeding event, which was mirrored by similar shows of support in Newcastle, Milton Keynes, Swansea, Stirling and York.

Today (Saturday 15 March) she returned to the step where the photograph was taken, opposite The Shrew public house, and watched in amazement as the crowd continued to grow, and a dozen women fed babies.

“I am overwhelmed by the response today,” she said. “I have had so much reaction and such great support from mothers - not just in the UK but living all over the world - who were really outraged by what happened to me.

“This event was staged, along with a number of others across the UK, to show that mothers who breastfeed are united. We will not tolerate any form of ignorance or prejudice against us.

“There are plenty of mums that breastfeed publicly, although I can’t say that I’ve noticed them because normally breastfeeding is a pretty discreet act.

“I don’t think any mother should be labelled a tramp for feeding her baby.

“And from the great response I have had I think many people agree with me.”

Her own mum Sue Williamson, 55, added: “I am so proud of Emily and the way she has handled this.

“What the person did by taking a picture of Emily breastfeeding and posting it online under the tag ‘tramp’ was horrible. It left her very upset. But instead of letting it affect her negatively she has turned it into a positive.

“She has been an inspiration to young mums by shaking off the prejudice by organising the breastfeeding awareness event.”

Emma Halford, 28, from Rugeley, turned up to the event with her seven-month-old daughter Ariana.

“Breastfeeding is the most natural thing in the world,” she said. “It’s not a shameful thing. To take a picture and call someone a tramp is disgusting.

“I have come here with my daugher Adriana to give Emily and the rest of the mothers who breastfeed my full support.”

Great to see so many people in Rugeley supporting the most natural thing #rugeleymassfeed
- Mark Davis (@Mark_Dav1s) March 15, 2014

Sarah Coton, 26, from Rugeley, who arrived at the event with her seven-month-old daughter Eloise said: “I don’t breastfeed myself but I am here to back mothers who do. There is nothing wrong with mothers breastfeeding in public. It is a natural act.”

Mumsnet website chief executive Justine Roberts said: “It’s hard to understand why some people have a problem seeing mums breastfeeding. It is of, course, a natural, essential human process. Those with an issue simply need to get over it.

“What’s heartening about this story is that, in response to one person’s ignorance, thousands of Mumsnet users have come together to support Emily.”

The National Childbirth Trust added that the ‘tramp’ comment was ‘dreadful’.

A spokesperson said: “Whether formula feeding or breastfeeding, it is important that mums are able to feed their baby whenever and wherever they need it. Any mother who chooses to breastfeed her baby should have the right to do so without harassment.

“Emily has been an inspiration to us young mums by shaking off the prejudice and being so confident in not only what she was doing at the time, but in organising the breastfeeding rally to publicise the need for more tolerance from the public regarding breastfeeding.”

Hundreds turn out for Rugeley mass feed
- Karen Kenworthy (@kenworthykaren) March 15, 2014

Source: Midlands News

There are many images and a video at the source, also links. Definitely click through. She and her fellow mums rock for doing this, and I hope the creeper who *took her picture* so s/he could denigrate her in public gets some heat.

womens rights, parents, uk, misogyny, women

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