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blackjedii January 31 2014, 01:33:04 UTC

okee dokee

we're good now


fiddlingfrog January 31 2014, 01:44:11 UTC
blackjedii January 31 2014, 01:45:05 UTC
giraffe tongues are dees-gusting

like really sticky wet glue


fiddlingfrog January 31 2014, 04:39:33 UTC
Can't you just see the smaller giraffe thinking "Aww Mom.... Mom!" in ever more exasperated tones?


soleiltropiques January 31 2014, 02:23:05 UTC
What are these little guys? They're just too cute...


zombieroadtrip January 31 2014, 03:47:50 UTC
are you asking what a hamster is with a hamster icon lmao


soleiltropiques January 31 2014, 19:35:10 UTC
Well, I've never seen hamsters do THAT, so I wasn't sure. :-D


soleiltropiques January 31 2014, 19:46:02 UTC
PS: Sorry for my (unintentional, I swear!! :) silliness. :)

(I would also add that, in general, I wouldn't know a photoshopped pic if it bit me in the a$$, so...)


bleed_peroxide January 31 2014, 02:45:18 UTC
"it must be so nice that these people can research and speak academic and ~*activism*~ and expensive yoga classes oh shit it is time to go to work again on m 40 hr /week almost-minimum wage job"

I think you actually hit the name on the head with my issue regarding a lot of feminists. I identify as one because I have no other term for what I would call myself, but we gotta take out a LOT of the trash and get a lot of their heads outta their asses. I'll hear people saying that Beyonce isn't a feminist because she uses the word "b*tch" in the song "Flawless", or because she settled down and started a family or something.

And it's just like, shut the fuck up. I learned more about feminism as a child listening to Destiny's Child and hearing those kinds of messages than I ever did in my college courses. Anything I've learned is basically from listening to others - just because someone didn't pay thousands of dollars to ~earn their education~ doesn't render it any less valid. Just because someone can't rattle off all of the jargon from a Women's Studies course doesn't render their feminism invalid and just...

idk your post was so spot on and summarized a lot of feelings for me and why a lot of the middle-class elitism I find in ~academic feminism~ pisses me off.


fiddlingfrog January 31 2014, 04:41:14 UTC
Just to point out, I didn't write that bit you quoted. I assume you meant to reply to the first person in this thread.


bleed_peroxide January 31 2014, 04:51:08 UTC
Awww, shit, you're right. I meant to reply to blackjedii but my LJ borked out and I thought I'd lost the message in its entirety. Whoops.

I like the frog theme you've got goin' on, though.


fiddlingfrog January 31 2014, 05:08:51 UTC
Thanks. I picked my username all those years ago based on my fondness for frogs, and I just kind of ran with it.


girly123 January 31 2014, 04:53:59 UTC
I'm deciding that this is photoshopped because it is TOO CUTE TO BE REAL. <3


fiddlingfrog January 31 2014, 05:10:14 UTC
I got it many years ago from a site called "The Cutest" where viewers would be shown pairs of pictures and they'd vote for the cuter of the two. This pic was always in the top three.


(The comment has been removed)

sunhawk January 31 2014, 05:48:10 UTC
That is the only way to name a hamster lol


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