Service Dog thrown out of Hospital

Jan 30, 2014 03:02

Amanda Figueroa says she's had her pit bull medical service dog Sir Doogan for nearly two years and had never had an issue taking him to public venues.

But two weeks ago, she says she had been visiting a friend at Capital Regional Medical Center for several hours when she was confronted by an administrator and then security guards who told her Doogan posed a safety risk.

"He finally told me that if we didn't leave, he was going to call the cops and have me arrested for trespassing," said Figueroa.

A statement from the hospital says, "At Capital Regional Medical Center, our first priority is for the safety and well-being of our patients. We have policies in place for the safety of not only our patients, but visitors and staff as well."

However Florida law states a service dog must be admitted to public venues like hospitals to help people who are blind, deaf, have balance issues or perform other tasks.

It also says fear of animals is not a valid reason for denying access.

Denial is a second degree misdemeanor.

State Attorney Willie Meggs reviewed the case and decided not to prosecute.

"I don't see how having a pit bull running loose with you qualifies as a service dog," stated Meggs.

Federal Americans with Disability law also states service dogs can't be denied access to public venues.

It also says you can only ask a person if it's a service dog and what is its task.

"Well some moron in Congress probably wrote that law," said Meggs.

Hospital administrators met with Figueroa, but she's not satisfied.

"I would like for them to have some kind of repercussion, they have yet to apologize," said Figueroa.

Source calls epic bullshit on this hospital, the prosecutor, and anyone who bitches about the dog's breed. Any breed can be a Service Dog, as long as they are able to perform their tasks. Of course, Bully service dogs run into all kinds of discrimination and accusations of being fake. I'm glad she's not taking this sitting down.

Warning for multiple "So what's her disability?! She looks fine!" comments in the articles.

ETA: This blog post written by her friend apparently details further what happened. She renamed her friend "Lindsey" for the post, but stated in comments of the main article that it is in fact Amanda.

Son of ETA: The article has come under attack by a spamming campaign by a radical Anti-Pit Bull hate group. Please approach comments with caution, as there is some Westboro-style antics going on now. They are currently praising the Hospital, Willie Meggs for ignoring the ADA, and claiming that Ms. Figueroa is not disabled and engaging in Fraud. Adding new Trigger Warnings for their comments, which are filled with Bullying, Animal Abuse, and mentions of Violence.

*trigger warning: animal abuse, discrimination, disabilities, florida, *trigger warning: ableism, ableism, *trigger warning: bullying, animals, *trigger warning: violence

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