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romp December 16 2013, 03:16:04 UTC
FWIW, I'm convinced economics, like a lot of the field of business, is bullshit.

I base this on a New Yorker article on the history of management and the insightful comments of Ed Deak, a commenter on The Tyee news site. At 18, we was "sentenced to death by the Hungarian nazi military." Typical post from him:

The worst kind of priesthood today are the so called economists, who are using imaginary monetary figures pulled from the air to distort physical realities, morals, human rights and elementary logic.


bananainpyjamas December 16 2013, 04:39:15 UTC
Economics (and business) is no more bullshit than other social sciences. The value of a particular model hinges a lot on the assumptions you make. The problem is that a lot of economists look down on "softer" social sciences like sociology and psychology, when some of the findings in those fields would be very useful in creating economic models/predictions that more closely reflect how people actually behave.


romp December 16 2013, 05:10:16 UTC
I don't hear sociologists making predictions the way economists do, especially ones that claim to be infallible until they aren't. Did you read the first link? Pretty shaky foundation. There's a place for the study in how certain leadership styles work with different sorts of organizations but this article is about how bullshit philosophies are often pushed as The Truth.


bananainpyjamas December 16 2013, 05:18:49 UTC
I think there's a difference between saying there's a problem with orthodoxy in economics and writing off the entire field as bullshit. And yes I'm familiar with the article you linked.


romp December 16 2013, 05:32:56 UTC
Of course. I get frustrated with the dickery in the fields but I'm sure there is the potential for good to be done. I don't judge you if you're into those fields bb.


gambitia December 16 2013, 14:17:37 UTC
I'd separate economics and business. They are two different fields, somewhat akin to psychology and evopsych. And much like evopsych screws around with psychology to get the answers it wants, business studies tends to take only the parts of economics it likes and pretend "it's science!" Quite a few prominent economists have been claiming loudly for years that the current economic situation is unsustainable, immoral, and will lead to ruin.

IDK that's my impression from taking a couple econ courses years ago and following a couple econ blogs.


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