A Mysterious Tipper Is Leaving Thousands Of Dollars At Restaurants Across The US

Dec 03, 2013 09:02

Since September, an anonymous patron has been leaving mysterious tips of huge proportions in restaurants and bars across the country ( Read more... )

good news

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Comments 9

leaf_kunoichi December 3 2013, 16:11:33 UTC
It is great that someone(s) can do this and are.

My years working for a credit card processor kick in and I hope that the restaurant doesn't get hit with a chargeback from the bank due to the total amount being over the authorized amount (Visa and MC ensure that restaurant authorization amounts are valid for the bill amount plus 20%) or held for investigation.


dumpweeds December 3 2013, 18:52:19 UTC
aw I wish this person was doing this while I was waiting tables lol


elialshadowpine December 4 2013, 07:09:46 UTC
No kidding! When I was waitressing, I was doing so to 1) pay rent but 2) also cover my ex-fiance's medical. We had a lot of trouble paying for his medical, and only some things got covered. For instance, we were able to get his fibromyalgia diagnosed, but we weren't able to see a specialist to get him back on T. Add that my own health issues were starting and I couldn't afford medical care for both of us... Something like this would have made SUCH a massive difference in our lives, and I suspect that is likely the case for the servers who have received these tips.

It's really nice to hear about something like this, because it's not only a amazing thing to do, it's something that will make a huge and hopefully positive difference in the lives of the people who have received it. I know I'm not so coherent but in the wake of so much horrific news, it's really awesome to see a story like this, of someone who is doing something to make people's lives better.


qara_isuke December 3 2013, 19:44:39 UTC
This is the best.

Seriously, whoever the tipper(s) is, is an amazing person beyond all comprehension. I just want to hug them so much, for doing something so selfless that will make so much difference in lives. And more importantly, it gives people hope. That's more valuable than any tip.


kate_mct December 3 2013, 20:34:56 UTC
Good for that person. Waiters and waitresses make so little and are wholly depenedent on tips, it's nice that someone's trying to help them.


elialshadowpine December 4 2013, 07:16:50 UTC
Some states actually require servers to be paid minimum wage. My state (WA) does. Unfortunately, I don't think it's very common (if someone knows other states that do this, I'd love to know which). I actually met a server at Red Lobster who said she was working part time to supplement the money she made as a college professor; she said she made more as a waitress than she did as a prof. (That really made me rethink my ideas about possibly teaching...)

When I was waitressing in Texas, I was paid something like $2.33/hr, forbidden to leave the premises on break, had a shitty discount on food, so most of my "check" disappeared back into the restaurant because I'm a hypoglycemic and eating wasn't optional. We also weren't allowed to bring any outside food in, so no granola bars. Since the restaurant was best known for breakfast and I was on evening shift, the restaurant was often dead, I was frequently sent home early, and tips sucked.So, hearing about somebody doing this is just so very awesome to me. This would've made a huge ( ... )


beuk December 4 2013, 13:43:07 UTC
I think OR recently raised the tipped wage to the non-tipped employees wage. There's a great table on wikipedia that breaks it down state by state. I was surprised to see that ID's (my state) tipped wage is higher than the federal 2.13/hr. I thought ID hated fair compensation. I mean, it's not much higher, but still.


elialshadowpine December 4 2013, 22:38:36 UTC
*facepalm* It figures there would be a table on Wiki... I didn't even think to check there. LOL. Thanks for the heads-up; I'll take a look.

(Also, yay Oregon!)


countrygirl_914 December 3 2013, 22:52:31 UTC
I read about the Notre Dame one while I was home over Thanksgiving, and at that point the bartenders hadn't gotten the money because ND and the credit card company thought the tip might be fake. But as I was searching for a story to link and rain on everyone's parade, it turns out that the investigation is over and they're getting their money! Yay!


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