NEW ORLEANS - Let’s just say the job was not exactly letter-perfect.
On Tuesday morning, a workman mistakenly cut down the C and most of the I from the box hedges that for decades have spelled out CITY PARK along the park’s southern boundary.
City Park spokesman John Hopper said the park has located a nursery with the same kind of boxwood shrubs and hopes to have new ones planted this week, though it could be a while before the new letters exactly match the old ones.
The worker was not a park employee but was working for an outside contractor hired to help with groundskeeping, Hopper said. However, he said, the park shares the responsibility because the worker should have been better supervised.
“It was our mistake,” he said.
Hopper said his phone “started going crazy” at about 8:41 a.m. with calls from neighbors across City Park Avenue who watched with horror what was happening.
One of those residents has spent years lovingly tending to the organic sign, he said.
The Advocate