(TW: Transphobia) Todd Kincannon: Transgender people belong in camps

Oct 21, 2013 15:20

On Monday, Todd Kincannon tweeted, “There are people who respect transgender rights. And there are people who think you should all be put in a camp. That’s me.”

I somehow suspect that Mr. Kincannon isn’t referring to summer camps where we’ll get to toast marshmallows and sing “Kumbaya.” The camp he’s imagining probably looks more like Auschwitz than Camp Anawanna. But just in case transgender people and their allies aren’t too eager about being tortured and starved, there’s an alternative. Todd Kincannon later conceded that, if concentration camps aren’t going to work, “mental institutions will do just fine”

Todd Kincannon is the former leader of the South Carolina GOP.

The Nazis in Greece have already tried this:

Operation Zeus in August last year marked the start of an ugly reminder of a European past that we thought we had long buried. Nearly 60 years after the end of the Second European War, migrants were round up from the streets of Greece and shoved unceremoniously into internment camps. In May, women working in the sex industry were pulled from the streets, forcibly tested for HIV, publicly humiliated and imprisoned. In March, they rounded up drug users from the streets of Athens and put them too into camps. Last month in Thessaloniki they came for trans gender people.

Fortunately the Greeks are now arresting the Golden Dawn leadership.

Hopefully this hate monger and his ilk will be put in his place soon as well.


scumbags, *trigger warning: transphobia, fuck this guy, republicans, south carolina, republican party

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