Early results in German election give Merkel major boost

Sep 23, 2013 00:42

Partial results give Chancellor Angela Merkel's conservatives a big lead in national elections. The fate of their junior coalition partners looks less secure, and polls suggest Merkel will need to find at least one ally. According to the public ARD broadcaster's figures, Chancellor Angela Merkel's Christian Democrats comfortably secured more votes ( Read more... )

angela merkel, germany, elections

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Comments 23

blackjedii September 23 2013, 01:42:51 UTC
At the last national vote in 2009 turnout was just over 70 percent - a record low.

At the last national vote in 2009 turnout was just over 70 percent - a record low.

At the last national vote in 2009 turnout was just over 70 percent - a record low.



also oblig #1 fangirl

... )


nutmegdealer September 23 2013, 03:16:06 UTC
probably not.


countrygirl_914 September 23 2013, 04:05:13 UTC
What are they watching in the first one?


policraticus September 23 2013, 04:13:48 UTC
Drone strike in Waziristan.


katiie_ September 23 2013, 07:03:27 UTC
Tbh, I'm not really looking forward to a "große Koalition" between CDU/CSU and SPD, especially not with Sigmar Gabriel as vice Chancellor. And let's not talk about Andrea Nahles, who seems to be en par with Kristina Schröder when it comes to being unlikeable, embarrassing and incompetent. Though it could be amusing if rumours were true and Hannelore Kraft tried to dethrone Gabriel.

And I'm totally waiting for the whiny and surely highly entertaining interview with Gysi in which he complains that no other party likes them, even though they are the most democratic party ever.


lied_ohne_worte September 23 2013, 12:18:27 UTC
Hm, nothing much matches my dislike for Schröder. I only need to see her photo to feel slightly nauseated. That whole Herdprämie debacle... a cousin of mine (that side of the family contains SPD politicians in local parliament etc.) voted for the CDU because they pay him money not to send his children to Kindergarten. The two older ones (the baby is too young to tell) can't properly communicate because they pretty much never leave the house or interact with other people. The oldest boy had to repeat the first year of elementary school, because apparently he doesn't answer when people address him - if he gets out at all, his parents speak for him. For those children, getting out of the house and socialising with other children would be so very important. But who cares, as long as we keep the women properly at home?

Oh yes. I'd really, really like a government that included the Green party, but not if it's for the price of DDR worshippers being in it too.


katiie_ September 23 2013, 13:46:54 UTC
Is there even anyone who likes Schröder? At least her ~feud~ with von der Leyen made me like the latter a tad more, though I'm still rather vary of her ( ... )


lied_ohne_worte September 23 2013, 13:57:55 UTC
Yes, it's sad that one only appreciates von der Leyen because it could be so much worse ( ... )


neurotoxia September 23 2013, 09:48:38 UTC
The only good thing I have to say about this election is that Merkel needs a coalition partner and that the AfD didn't make it into Bundestag. Otherwise, that would have been the worst possible outcome...and my googling 'emigration' would have been more than half-serious. The results are depressing and this political shift to the right as a whole worries me.

Another four years of a homophobic, misogynistic government with a chancellor who only excels in doing nothing at all. Oh the joy.


milchzucker September 23 2013, 12:41:32 UTC
Imagine the outcome if there hadn't been the AfD! At least an easy coalition between FDP/ Union if not even an outright majority for the Union.

So for once, I'm kinda thankful for the excistence of the AfD ;)


neurotoxia September 23 2013, 20:09:51 UTC
I would have preferred FDP to AfD if I had to put one of them in Bundestag. Luckily, neither made it. AfD are way too close to the right wing for me to be comfortable with them. Now I can only hope their popularity plummets again as fast as it has risen.


mellawe September 23 2013, 18:20:21 UTC
my entire family voted AfD. My mother even has a bumper sticker on her car.


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