Navy Yard shooting: What we know and don't know

Sep 17, 2013 08:59

The one question we all desperately want answered may have gone to the grave with Aaron Alexis: Why ( Read more... )

murder, deaths, navy, guns, washington d.c., gun control

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tadashee September 17 2013, 13:13:37 UTC
I don't understand the weapons thing though. You're just allowed to walk in with 3 guns?

Also he shot the tires in 2004, but he was allowed to buy more guns after that?


hammersxstrings September 17 2013, 13:57:24 UTC
he also was arrested (or at least taken into custody) in 2010, from what i understood, for discharging a weapon when he was being evicted.

i mean, it is Texas, so...i've heard their gun laws aren't exactly strict...


chaya September 17 2013, 14:46:42 UTC
He did not walk in. He drove in.


tinylegacies September 17 2013, 18:22:19 UTC
But he walked in to the building past the armed guards. I assume that's what the commenter was referring to.


skellington1 September 17 2013, 16:03:58 UTC
Yeaaaah -- it says "The incident will certainly rev up the often explosive debate over gun control. But initial reports show Alexis obtained his primary weapon legally" but to me, the 'but' shouldn't be in that sentence. If someone has a history of firing weapons in anger and they can still own/obtain weapons legally, that is *exactly* the problem!


teacoat September 17 2013, 20:45:52 UTC
I was going to say the exact same thing.


layweed September 17 2013, 23:01:28 UTC
Haven't a lot of these incidents involved legally obtained weapons?


skellington1 September 17 2013, 23:03:10 UTC
Yup. Lots of 'em, iirc.


moonshaz September 18 2013, 03:36:47 UTC
Most of 'em, if I'm not mistaken.


rhysande September 18 2013, 00:55:35 UTC
Couldn't agree more.


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