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therisingmoon August 20 2013, 00:14:36 UTC
i want a pet but my parents hate pets. :(


schexyschteve August 20 2013, 00:17:47 UTC
I don't want pets either. I kind of feel bad for my future kids, but I also get to use the fact that my husband is severely allergic to cats and dogs, so it won't happen at all.


therisingmoon August 20 2013, 00:19:14 UTC
it's a bummer, but i live vicariously through the internet's love of cats and dogs.


chaya August 20 2013, 00:25:54 UTC
Not all dogs cause allergic reactions in people, jsyk


schexyschteve August 20 2013, 00:30:28 UTC
Doesn't matter which kind of dog, they all mess with his allergies and asthma. Medications and shots don't do anything for him either. His grandparents have a Maltese, and while it's hypoallergenic and therefore lessens his reaction, he still gets itchy and has trouble breathing after a while.


shortsweetcynic August 20 2013, 01:02:33 UTC
wherein i get totally OT:

saw this on Cute Overload today and bookmarked it so I could show you next time we crossed paths!



chaya August 20 2013, 01:19:48 UTC

... )


blueburndown August 20 2013, 01:35:04 UTC
Wat exactly is the context of this picture... I'm not sure what emotion you're trying to convey here.


chaya August 20 2013, 01:50:25 UTC
I am too full of otter-related emotions and must be carried


alexvdl August 20 2013, 02:48:52 UTC
As long as we're in the "pictures saved for Chaya" thread...

Otters playing Telephone.

... )


shortsweetcynic August 20 2013, 03:11:16 UTC



zombieroadtrip August 20 2013, 04:12:24 UTC
fun fact: this batshit lady was in one of my art classes

we all wondered why we recognized her face until we found that article about her


chaya August 20 2013, 12:41:44 UTC


zombieroadtrip August 20 2013, 13:20:04 UTC
she wore those robes to class everyday it was v strange, she asked to be called reverend even if I don't think she was ever ordained(?)

also unsurprisingly did not regard the gay students very well lololol


astridmyrna August 20 2013, 18:04:46 UTC
Link to article plz? I don't know who she is. XD


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