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Comments 38

loathingfear October 11 2008, 16:58:23 UTC
What the fuck is this shit.


sunoftheskye October 11 2008, 17:04:39 UTC
I'm sorry but this person is an idiot.

Obama doesn't need to do anything to make him appear "blacker".

Shut the fuck up.


goes_kaboom October 11 2008, 17:08:39 UTC
Why does a presidential candidate need "street cred"?


textualdeviance October 11 2008, 17:16:47 UTC
Speaking solely as an ignorant white person...

There's supposedly some meme out there in some segments of the AA community who don't feel he's authentically one of them, for various reasons: Only half-black, grew up with white folks in Hawaii, parents weren't imported as slaves, isn't sixth-generation American, etc.

I've seen some complaints here and there that he isn't "really" AA because he simply doesn't come from the same cultural tradition. They complain that he can't really understand the issues faced by people whose ancestors were imported here as goods, or who can remember a grandparent or parent who had to face segregation and Jim Crow laws.

I don't agree with this, but it's not my place to agree or disagree with it, really.


stay_cee October 11 2008, 19:39:51 UTC
I saw some woman AGES ago on the Colbert Report talking about that. But she said he was African American, just not Black. And I was like O.o.

Yes, because obviously when it comes to race in this country racists ask you if your family were slaves or if you're recently from Africa before they do discriminatory things.


krystle_ab October 11 2008, 21:55:07 UTC
was she a white South African? Africa does have white people.


mollywobbles867 October 11 2008, 17:11:03 UTC
Okay...I'm from TN and voted for Ford (b/c he's a Dem AND b/c Corker used to be the mayor where I live and he blows), but I have no idea WTF they mean by "pulling a Harold Ford."

The source isn't opening for me. Where is this from?


stay_cee October 11 2008, 19:46:07 UTC
I voted for Ford too, mainly because Corker really was craptastic mayor from what I'd read. I was so excited about a possible democrat because Lamar Alexander will be reelected until he retires or dies. He's got deep ties, is hard working, and he's really likeable. I don't agree with his politics, but he has TN's best interests at heart, and hasn't done anything really bad from what I remember.

But that's why I wanted Ford so bad, but I don't know what they mean either. He gave a good race, but I wonder if another dem ran if they would have won, because apparently the Ford family is ~notoriously corrupt~ or something.


brassbikini October 11 2008, 20:47:13 UTC
Being from Memphis, I have to ask: did this person mean Harold Ford ( a corrupt as shit state politician ) or his son Harold Ford, Jr. ( the would-be senator )? There is a monumental difference between the two...


brassbikini October 11 2008, 20:49:08 UTC
Err.. Harold, Sr. isn't as bad as his brother John.. or Ophelia.. who had dead people vote for her.. Or... nvm.. the whole family is insane except for Jr. Just wanted to clarify..


acaciah October 11 2008, 17:15:05 UTC
I'm white, so I can't speak to whether Michelle Obama gives Barack "street cred", however, I can say that she certainly gives bonus points to me just because she is intelligent, accomplished and generally awesome. I have much more respect for a man who marries an equal and not a piece of arm candy. That fact that Michelle is beautiful and intelligent is just icing on the cake. :D


dharmavati October 11 2008, 17:35:44 UTC
I was going to post something of this effect! :D I completely agree.


radiopore October 11 2008, 19:37:31 UTC


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