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ladypolitik July 19 2013, 01:19:24 UTC
Omg gurl where to begin LOL

Right off the bad I have an intense LOVE/HATE thing for Pope/Fitz because UGHHH DA SEX SCENE; BLESSES BE. But ew, I hate how possessive he is and cringe how she just relents even after she makes a MASSIVE stand ("IF YOU WANT ME, EARN ME!" Ugh, I totally standing ovation'd LOL).

I have SOOOO MANY EMOTIONS about Millie; at first I could not stand her but knowing how Fitz is now, in some strange way I really applaud how coldly calculated she is.


Although for some reason I keep making exceptions for Huck; I straight up LOVE THE GUY, but aint that a little sick? HELP, THIS SHOW IS CONFUSING MY MORAL COMPASS.

When I first brgan watching in earnest (2 months ago) someone commented that the dialogue can be "too Shonda Rhimes-sy" at times and didnt know what that meant until about TWO EPS IN; LOL, YUP, TOTALLY (i.e., dramatic monologues that every character must seem to have done once). But Im very forgiving, haha.


fishphile July 19 2013, 02:13:41 UTC
The first season I was about all things Olitz. Kerry and Tony's chemistry is off the charts. Even the second season after Treegate and Elevatorgate where I slipped off the train, I have to admit they make it look so good.

I love Mellie. She's actually up there with Huck and Cyrus as being my favorite. I like her because she's devious, but she doesn't pretend to be anything but. Also, she and Harrison are about the only ones with no bodies attached to their names.

All of these people are awful. Even effing David who is probably the nicest. I always like the villains though and this show is pretty much solely made of villains/anti-heroes. What's ridiculous is Washington is really this awful so it's hardly a stretch to believe a lot of the bs they put out there.

Most of us on Tumblr call Huck our bb. Especially after that Becky fiasco and seeing his wife and son. Ugh. Right in the feels and when Quinnsay gleefully tortured old dude he had the saddest look on his face like "What have I done?"

Shonda and her monologues. At least they slowed them down in the second season. Fast talking is cute for maybe Harrison who can pull it off, but it's nagl for everyone else.

I need more case fic for season 3 though. And Daddy Pope needs to explain to me why he's putting out hits on his children. I also need less of the Fitz/Olivia "will they" emo hour. I ain't got enough love of Fitz for that to continue. I will say that Fitz is the nicest killer on the show. He really is.


ladypolitik July 19 2013, 02:57:35 UTC
LOL @ "Olitz", totally adopting that shorthand now. Yeah, I was VERY angry about Fitz ruining the forbidden fruit feeling of it by becoming a clingy creeper. Smfh, men. I dont even know why Im surprised. But yeah, again. I guess my annoyance there is how Olivia is a woman of steel in all matters EXCEPT him. Ugh. Kind of a cliche and ill-placed considering her clout and influence.

That's a good point, Millie doesnt pretend that she's not all about #TeamMillie; her hustle is at least transparent. LOL. And I really love that she flips all the usual Stepford Wife trappings as damn-near deadly weapons to get her way. Brilliant as HALE. My FAVE scene was when she got REAL with Fitz about him turning into his father. SO SATISFYING. Oh my god, I wanted to be there to drink his tears with her.

I am SO HAPPY that Huck is not just my bb. LOL. I really, REALLY, love Guillermo Díaz's work on this show. Cant eve recall the last time Ive seen someone play a perpetually tormented character so compellingly on TV. I think he is the ONLY other person besides Harrison for which the fast-talking monologues work.

BUT YAAAAAAAS HARRISON. MONOLOGUE ALL DAY, BABY. Haha. I feel like his character is the LEAST developed; Im hoping they'll flesh him out further in the new season.

UMMMM YEEEAH, Daddy Pope needs to explain this mes to us. I hope it's not an overly ambitious story line; it already feels like shit got TOO real.


fishphile July 19 2013, 03:22:16 UTC
I wish I could say I came up with Olitz, but that's the official shipping name for them by the fans. At least it has a pretty equal combination of their names, which is the only equality in that relationship. Honestly, "The Trail" (sixth episode of season 1) was just amazing. I was such an Olitzer but then Treegate happened where he was shoving his hands in her pants and then elevatorgate and I was *Jerry Seinfeld throwing hands up in the air and leaving giffing* over it. Shonda has to fix them individually (seriously, Fitz needs AA and Olivia needs counseling) before they could even kind of be together. I was not here for them talking about making Mellie look like a racist so they could be together either. No.

Mellie is forreal. She faked a miscarriage to win the presidency. I mean they all stole an election, but she went there. I was like, "Oooh, okay, girl." Her discussion with Fitz over the kids was fabulous.

Huck is just someone you want to cuddle. I love him. Guillermo does a fantastic job. I thought more of the Scandal cast could have used an Emmy nod tbh.

Harrison is the least developed. Something weird has been going on with Columbus. He doesn't show up for half the show things/appearances that everyone else does. I dunno. I need more info on Harrison and maybe a scandalous seen or two where he wears less clothing?

Well, the storyline already frets me less than "Who is Quinn?" I hated Quinn first season so much and they made that the jump off question for the whole summer. So much hate. At least this storyline is directly tied into Olivia.


ladypolitik July 19 2013, 14:30:40 UTC
Seriously, Fitz is pushing the boundaries of "Functional Alcoholism" in a way that's started to seem ridic, WHAT WITH BEING POTUS AND ALL. How has he not accidentally pushed The Red Button yet? Olivia needs a straight up intervention. Flop Man Crack is WACK.

Wow, I wasnt aware that Columbus is often AWOL for promo stuff, I hope he's okay behind the scenes :/ But YAAAAAAAAAAAAS we need MORE of him with LESS SUUUUUUIT (even as FINE as he is with clothes on). PLEASE. They've given us NOTHING in that respect! In TWO SEASONS!

I soooo did NOT care for the depth of Quinn-gate tbh. The fact the she was made to work for Pope and that there was a full circle link back to EVERYTHING else seemed...I dunno, too convenient and unreal, even in this particular version of D.C.? It gave too much of a taboo and careless "shitting where you eat" feel (which we all know YOU'RE NOT supposed to do!). For a firm that's super obsessed with not leaving loose ends, that seemed TOO MESSY for the standards of Pope & Associates, if that makes sense; idek.


shortsweetcynic July 19 2013, 13:01:32 UTC
oh, huck. <3 god, he's such a fantastic actor.

for awhile, i was watching Weeds and Scandal at the same time and it was JARRING AS FUCK. like one minute he's this awful thug and the next he's this sweet, destroyed genius...nnnnhhhhhhhhhh!


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