Everyone Everywhere Instructed to Go Home as the Dutch Win Internet, Everything Else

Jul 01, 2013 11:11

Dutch Artists Celebrate George Orwell’s Birthday By Putting Party Hats On Surveillance Cameras

Dutch artist duo Front404 decorated security cameras with party hats in one of the Netherland’s largest cities to celebrate George Orwell’s 110th birthday.On Tuesday, surveillance cameras in the center of the city of Utrecht were decorated with colorful ( Read more... )

spying, lulz, !party post, netherlands, books, picspam

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fluffydragon July 1 2013, 15:16:55 UTC
I feel like the icon needs something..


clevermanka July 1 2013, 15:22:03 UTC
Disco blinking, maybe?


fluffydragon July 1 2013, 15:40:12 UTC
oooh.. I like that idea. I'll see if I have time to do an animated one later


ducttapeninja July 1 2013, 15:31:16 UTC


chaya July 1 2013, 15:42:07 UTC


recorded July 2 2013, 15:12:30 UTC
bless you for this icon lol
definitely gif it up


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