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rainbow_fish May 5 2013, 18:10:57 UTC
I actually don't have a huge problem with what she's saying- especially considering the context and normal BS on Fox News.

I mean, I think it's pretty ~edgy that her #1 option was deregulating contraceptives. Like, at least she wasn't spouting off abstinence only bullshit. She seemed to be interested in the real ~problem~ (for her, the ~problem is abortion, but I'm even willing to ignore that)

And the thing is, if women can preemptively protect themselves so that they don't even need to question whether or not to have an abortion, that's great. I don't know of anyone who would rather get an abortion instead of just using contraceptives in the first place. I mean, even though I'm adamantly pro-choice, I don't think it makes me less of a ~good liberal to accept that not needing an abortion is probably better than needing one because condoms/plan b/etc weren't available to me. Like.. idk. I don't have any problem with people trying to decrease abortion rates by increasing the availability of contraception and comprehensive sex-ed (as long, of course, as the right to have an abortion is still safe).

And even though this isn't the argument she's really making, I think berating young women for getting pregnant is just so stupid and ia that they shouldn't be shamed for being pregnant. Shaming them isn't going to magically de-pregnate them. Their decision, whatever it is, should be respected (even if it is an abortion.)


crooked_halo May 6 2013, 03:03:34 UTC
My thoughts exactly. I was actually surprised about the fact that she brought up deregulating birth control which is actually a sane way to approach decreasing abortions.

I also think that trying to change how our society views unmarried women (and especially teens) who get pregnant would be a very, very good thing.

I was actually a little surprised at the fact that this wasn't nearly as repugnant as the sort of things that Fox news is usually spouting.

Though the whole adoption is better than abortion thing is just gross. We shouldn't 'celebrate' teen moms who give their kids up for adoption. We should try to remove the stigma and give them CHOICES. And remove the stigma from all of the choices.

I swear that these people think that pregnancy and giving a baby up for adoption is a simple process.


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