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ragnor144 May 5 2013, 18:01:00 UTC
I just looked up a statistic that is important here. Only around 1% of all unmarried women give their babies up for adoption - a little higher of whites and almost nonexistent for POCs. So what this person really wants, and I think this is the agenda of a lot of white conservatives, is to increase the number of adoptable healthy white infants, not to reduce teen pregnancy. If anything they want higher teen pregnancy if it leads to more adoptable white babies.


kittenmommy May 5 2013, 23:31:16 UTC

I think you're absolutely right.


jeweledvixen May 6 2013, 04:59:40 UTC
So what this person really wants, and I think this is the agenda of a lot of white conservatives, is to increase the number of adoptable healthy white infants, not to reduce teen pregnancy. If anything they want higher teen pregnancy if it leads to more adoptable white babies.

There is absolutely no evidence of this notion in what this woman said. She simply said that instead of stigmatizing teenage girls for giving up their babies for adoption, celebrate their decision to do so, then maybe teen girls would be less likely to have an abortion. As far as ways to stop the rate of abortions, this is one of the less ridiculous, less hurtful, less disgusting, less horrifying ones the conservatives have come up with.

I'm not saying that their isn't a secondary agenda among white conservatives to increase the number of adoptable white babies, but this woman isn't pushing that agenda here.


roseofjuly May 7 2013, 05:14:57 UTC
There's no evidence either way, so we can't say that she's not pushing that agenda either.


jeweledvixen May 7 2013, 10:46:10 UTC
You said it yourself, "there is no evidence either way" that she is pushing that agenda. She may very well have that agenda in mind, but in this particular speech, she did not mention it, so to jump to that conclusion without any evidence in this case is unfounded.


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