White Male Privilege: a License to be a Radical Terrorist Extremist (a Real Patriot!)

Apr 17, 2013 11:07

Let’s hope the Boston Marathon bomber is a white American
There is a double standard: White terrorists are dealt with as lone wolves, Islamists are existential threats

Updated: Sirota responds to critics of this piece over here.As we now move into the official Political Aftermath period of the Boston bombing - the period that will determine the ( Read more... )

fearmongering, citizenship, racial profiling, muslims, patriot act, civil liberties, islamophobia, right-wing rage pimp, 9/11, undocumented immigration, war on terror, patriotism, conservatives, national security, the tea party is not racist!, race / racism, islam, xenophobia, homeland security, white people

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Slightly OT: star_maple April 17 2013, 19:23:44 UTC
Can I just say the passive aggressive war between CNN and MSNBC on air right now is getting amazing. I've actually said 'Oh snap!' aloud while watching the news coverage.

Essentially, CNN announced a suspect had been arrested. MSNBC said, 'Say what? Says who?' CNN (King in particular) starting bragging on their special and exclusive sources. MSNBC said their sources categorically denied that a suspect had even been identified, and furthermore, their sources outranked CNN's sources. CNN reported that there were 'Conflicting reports of an arrest'. MSNBC is now talking about how irresponsible 'some news outlet's' behaviour is, and the real damage it could cause, all because 'some journalist wanted to make a name for himself.'


Re: Slightly OT: rex_dart April 17 2013, 19:29:13 UTC
damn it I need to get cable.


Re: Slightly OT: star_maple April 17 2013, 19:38:36 UTC
OMG, so apparently John King's source said, "We got him" and John King assumed that he meant he was arrested, rather than he'd been identified or they had a picture or any more conservative response.

Thanks John King. Based on that report, Bostonians started flooding the local federal courthouse to get a look at the suspect, and then a bomb report got called into that courthouse and all the civilians had to be evacuated. MSNBC is barely containing their gloating.


Re: Slightly OT: rex_dart April 17 2013, 19:43:37 UTC
lol and I just realized he's also the ~dark-skinned male~ source. I've never liked him, and he should be fired after his behavior today.


Re: Slightly OT: star_maple April 17 2013, 20:03:02 UTC
I was wondering why I only heard that description on CNN.


Re: Slightly OT: fishphile April 17 2013, 19:30:31 UTC
And where is Fox in all this? Had to ask, sorry.


Re: Slightly OT: star_maple April 17 2013, 19:32:42 UTC
I have no idea. I'm in Canada and only get CNN and MSNBC.


Re: Slightly OT: fishphile April 17 2013, 19:35:20 UTC
Ugh. You are so lucky.


crossfire April 17 2013, 19:44:44 UTC
Yet another thing Canada does right.


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Re: Slightly OT: rex_dart April 17 2013, 20:16:36 UTC
There's a huge difference between "opinions and bias about facts" and "opinion and bias presented as facts."

This is a great way of putting it. Even when I think someone on MSNBC has said something stupid (omg Tweety), I can't remember a time when I found out they were lying about what the stupid thing was said about.


Re: Slightly OT: pastelward April 18 2013, 19:27:14 UTC
There's a huge difference between "opinions and bias about facts" and "opinion and bias presented as facts."

Ugh, thank you. Truthfully the only person on MSNBC I can stand for extended periods of time is Maddow but I hate when the network is called the liberal version of Fox News like holy false equivalency.


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Re: Slightly OT: pastelward April 18 2013, 19:37:12 UTC
I hate that Chris Matthews never lets a guest get a thought out before he interrupts them to give his own opinion or his analysis of their opinion. Never was a fan of Chris Hayes but I like the format of his new show because he has good people on the panel typically.


Re: Slightly OT: rex_dart April 18 2013, 21:21:04 UTC
I love watching Chris's show because he's an equal-opportunity interrupter, so rather than coming off as an asshole who doesn't respect his guests, he comes off as someone who's just really excitable and totally socially awkward and maybe shouldn't be hosting a show.


Re: Slightly OT: skellington1 April 17 2013, 20:51:02 UTC
Oh, man, the Gawker article on that CNN snafu has the BEST HEADLINE EVER.

Marathon Bombing Suspect Has Been Arrested and Is In Custody But Has Not Been Arrested and May Not Exist


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