Family values disaster in Paris as anti-gay protesters attack police, use kids as human shields

Mar 25, 2013 10:45

Unbelievable. Anti-gay “family values” protesters in Paris today got violent with the local police during a large anti-gay-marriage protest, and then used their nursery school age children as some kind of human shield to challenge the police.

“On met les enfants devant! On met les enfants devant!” TRANSLATION: “Put the kids in front! Put the kids in front!” a father yells to other protesters, as he approaches the police line with his three year old child perilously perched on his shoulders in order to challenge the police who had just used tear gas and batons to push back the protesters who had just attacked them.

America’s anti-gay religious right leaders, including National Organization for Marriage (NOM) head Brian Brown, have been supporting the French protests. No word yet on whether NOM will denounce its violent allies in Paris.

Getting violent with the police? And using three year old children as some kind of human shield after there’s already been violence and tear gas (or pepper spray)?


The clashes have already been written about in the mainstream media, but there’s also a video on Facebook that a Parisian friend just posted, showing the anti-gay “family values” moms and dads provoking the French anti-riot police, called the CRS. Not the kind of people you want to mess with, the CRS.

The CRS in France are akin to the kind of police the Occupy Wall Street protesters faced when things got violent. It’s that kind of scene when the CRS are involved. That’s where the family values brought kids, basically to an OWS protest that went violent - imagine taking a 3 year old to the front lines of that.

In the video, below, [OP: Follow source link] you see a crowd of anti-gay religious right protesters attack the police, trying to force their way into a restricted area where it’s not permitted to protest. The police were finally forced to use tear against the violent religious right protesters. The police then repeatedly tell the protesters to back up away from the barriers. You then see a man, with his three year old (or so) child on his shoulders, come up to the police barrier, where they’ve just been told repeatedly to back away, and challenge the police with his child.

Keep in mind, there’s already been violence (police were forced to use their batons against family-values protesters who were assaulting them) and tear gas, and a pro-gamily anti-gay religious right protester thought it wise to put his three year old child in the middle of the violence.

Source has more blurry pictures plus video.

france, child abuse / csa, parents, protest, somebody please think of the children!, homophobia, fuck this guy, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, children, marriage equality

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