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underlankers March 21 2013, 03:59:26 UTC
Who took Bill O'Reilly as a moral exemplar of *anything*?


girl_fusion March 21 2013, 04:30:47 UTC
The people who watch his show religiously I would suppose?


hey_spectrum March 21 2013, 05:35:46 UTC
That part freaks me the fuck out! Like who ever decided to take this little worm seriously and why?!


underlankers March 21 2013, 18:26:02 UTC
If people watch that religiously that'd be a great argument for atheism. ;)


amyura March 21 2013, 22:18:51 UTC
My late, die-hard liberal Nana used to watch his show religiously just to have an excuse to swear at him. She was in her late 80s, shorter than me (and I'm four foot ten), with this super-thick French accent, screaming at the TV when he came on.


natyanayaki March 22 2013, 00:52:39 UTC
Your Nana sounds awesome, and adorable (I don't mean that in a condescending way at all)!!!!


amyura March 22 2013, 02:35:49 UTC
She was kinda nuts, but yeah, awesome. I miss her.


natyanayaki March 22 2013, 02:57:56 UTC
Aww, hugs if you want them. <3


redstar826 March 21 2013, 16:02:01 UTC
I think the problem is that you get some people who honestly believe that anyone on the TV or radio is an authority figure and therefore must know what they are talking about. We've had to have multiple talks with my grandmother about not believing Rush Limbaugh because her response is always "well, if what he says isn't true, why is he on the radio?". Thankfully she only has the very barebones basic cable package, which does not include Fox News.


kittenmommy March 21 2013, 18:19:22 UTC

We've had to have multiple talks with my grandmother about not believing Rush Limbaugh because her response is always "well, if what he says isn't true, why is he on the radio?".

My stepmother will believe anything, as long as it's nonsensical and completely divorced from evidence and/or reality. Magnets cure arthritis? Yep! All Chinese restaurants are run by the Chinese Mafia? They sure are! High Fructose Corn Syrup is bad for you? Oh, no, that can't be true, because there are commercials on TV (paid for by the Corn Growers' Lobby) that say it's perfectly healthy, and they couldn't put that on television if it weren't true!



betray802 March 22 2013, 02:27:51 UTC
and they couldn't put that on television if it weren't true!

"Oh, here's my date. He's a French model. I met him on the internet."

The first time I saw that commercial (State Farm) I looked at my cats and just said "And of course, she's blonde."

O'Reilly could pull a gun and shoot someone, and my father would accept it.


kittenmommy March 22 2013, 03:17:30 UTC

"Oh, here's my date. He's a French model. I met him on the internet."

The first time I saw that commercial (State Farm) I looked at my cats and just said "And of course, she's blonde."

I've never seen that commercial (and I'm very glad about that!), but LOL anyway!

O'Reilly could pull a gun and shoot someone, and my father would accept it.

Him and tons of other people, sadly.


underlankers March 21 2013, 18:25:32 UTC
Hm.....well, my dad is a Limbaugh and Hannity fan, so I've listened to them on the radio for years. There was at one point a local radio person more lunatic than both of them put together, but he's no longer on the air. I never believed Limbaugh just because I heard him talk, I thought he was a douchebag of epic proportions. Hannity.....sounds affable until you listen to what he's saying.

That people believe people just because they hear voices on the radio.....that's a damned terrifying thought. Don't those people actually *listen* to what's being said?


(The comment has been removed)

rhysande March 21 2013, 19:09:05 UTC
This. It's comforting confirmation of their prejudices and biases instead of being told the way they think is wrong, that they are hurting others, and need to change.


veidt March 21 2013, 21:05:39 UTC
I think that's the time when you bust out "The fairness doctrine died and now bullshit is king in the media."


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