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alexvdl March 19 2013, 01:51:10 UTC
The Republican party isn't going to have much choice in the matter. There's only so long that you can stand against reality. The numbers show that America as a whole is showing what it wants in terms of marriage equality. Continuing to oppose it will quickly become a liability. They've clung to it for so long because it garners them votes. As soon as they understand they'll be unable to play on the national level without that support, they'll change their tune. Especially with the Log Cabin Republicans becoming a more powerful part of the organization.

And a strong opposition party isn't meaningless nonsense. The Democrats have worked as hard as they have to embrace marriage equality because it sets them apart from the Republicans. The Democratic party works harder because they have to do so in order to make sure their constituents are kept happy and don't vote Republican. If the Republican party were to collapse and there was no real chance of an alternate candidate being elected why would the Democratic party continue to move forward. Politicians, Congress people especially, have shown they will do as little work as possible unless it's in their own direct interests.


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