Conservatives Target Rob Portman’s Gay Son For ‘Harmful Choices’ That Will ‘Kill Him From AIDS’

Mar 15, 2013 16:30

Negative reactions continue to pour in about Sen. Rob Portman’s (R-OH) decision to endorse same-sex marriage, having changed his opinion because his son, Will, is gay. In addition to Bryan Fischer’s claim that being gay is comparable to robbing a bank and CPAC attendees’ claims that the golden rule doesn’t apply to homosexuality, several other ( Read more... )

conservative party, conservatives, homophobia, *trigger warning: homophobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities, marriage equality

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alexvdl March 15 2013, 20:50:03 UTC
What sort of core values motivate a U.S. Senator to change his mind about a sexually destructive behavior simply because his son is involved in it? What will happen to Rob Portman’s belief system when he discovers that his son is infected with HIV or throat cancer?

Sounds to me like he'll believe that HIV and throat cancer (?!) are horrible things that happen to real people, even Senator's kids, and work hard to support his son through the difficult medical issues he'll face. Fuck.

Also, if sucking dick causes throat cancer, I think science would have noticed by now.

Fuck. I don't normally do this but this for these fucks...

... )


shadwrayvn March 15 2013, 21:14:39 UTC
omg I love it!


nesmith March 15 2013, 21:21:07 UTC
I don't agree with you most of the time, but I have to give an amen to your comment and the picture.


keestone March 15 2013, 22:34:33 UTC
Well HPV does cause throat and mouth cancers, but strangely enough HPV doesn't restrict itself to gay people any more than any other STI does. (And of course at least one strain of HPV can be vaccinated against now, and how much do you want to bet the homophobic concern troll politician is against HPV vaccination programs?)


maynardsong March 15 2013, 22:44:56 UTC
I bet my life that this dude would be against that and ANY other vaccination program. He'd be against the HPV vax program on the grounds that it's Slutty McSlutterson, but it's not like he'd be any more sympathetic to vaccine programs that vaccinate against non-sexually transmitted diseases.


keestone March 16 2013, 00:29:47 UTC
Huh. I went and looked and I can't find any info on his opinion of the vaccine, but I was surprised to find out the Family Research Council actually isn't anti-HPV vaccine. They just want to make sure it isn't mandatory for school attendance (not a surprise because "Parent's Rights!") and want people to give kids abstinence lectures while vaccinating them.

It's slightly less neanderthalic than I expected.


dodger_greywing March 15 2013, 22:40:21 UTC
omg is that a highway covered in legos because if it is that is flawless


vvalkyri March 16 2013, 19:54:05 UTC
It is. even cooler is that a bunch of people have offered to help replace the legos.


eawen_penallion March 15 2013, 23:19:10 UTC
'Also, if sucking dick causes throat cancer, I think science would have noticed by now.'

F**k, there must be millions of women who have throat cancer then. Don't these prats realise that most heterosexuals indulge in the same sexual practices as gays and lesbians?


keestone March 16 2013, 00:40:33 UTC
Well, thousands at least, and more men than women. But it's a good guess that most of them are heterosexual, cause yeah. Strangely enough, heterosexual couples engage in oral sex too.

And, of course, the relevant HPV vaccine should help with this in the future, and if I'm reading the information correctly it's still way more dangerous to smoke or chew.


lozbabie March 16 2013, 03:03:52 UTC
herongale March 16 2013, 00:52:07 UTC
The thing about throat cancer probably relates to two separate facts: HPV can increase the risk of throat cancer in people who receive oral sex (men or women, although obviously it's not the same kind of risk for lesbians because the higher risk comes from dick-in-mouth), and also AIDS can be associated with reactivation of HPV and thus higher incidence of genital warts and/or perigenital/oral cancers in HIV-positive persons with high HIV viral loads. Especially during the heyday of AIDS prior to HAART (highly active antiretroviral therapy), when HIV status was most highly associated with MSM (men who have sex with men), throat cancer was definitely a condition more often seen in gay men (and smokers) than in many other population subgroups. But I'd argue that this association is less important nowadays, what with the significantly decreased incidence of AIDS-related illnesses now that we have good treatments for HIV, as well as the fact that (in the US especially), there is increased incidence of HIV in heterosexual individuals, ( ... )


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