Video Showing the Huge Gap Between Super Rich and Everyone Else Goes Viral

Mar 05, 2013 19:54

For much of the past decade, policymakers and analysts have decried America's incredibly low savings rate, noting that U.S. households save a fraction of the money of the rest of the world. Citing a myriad of causes -- from cheap credit to exploitative bank practices -- they've noted that the average family puts away less than 4 percent of its ( Read more... )

economics, capitalism fuck yeah, eat the rich, wealth, wages, invisible hand of the free market

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Comments 117

clevermanka March 6 2013, 15:59:09 UTC
This is so depressing. Well presented, but depressing. Ugh.


strandedinaber March 6 2013, 16:29:16 UTC
JFC. This is beyond ridiculous.


mollywobbles867 March 6 2013, 16:37:05 UTC
So depressing seeing it laid out like that. Definitely going to share this all over the place.


kittenmommy March 7 2013, 05:03:25 UTC

I wish I could believe that that would do some good.


anjak_j March 6 2013, 16:48:48 UTC
I always known the distribution of wealth in the US - and most of the rest of the western world for that matter - is weighted heavily in favour of the rich but... I... *stunned*


alexvdl March 6 2013, 16:51:51 UTC
Excellent. Something to strive for in life.


happythree March 6 2013, 17:53:02 UTC
The bigger the struggle, the bigger the prize, amiright?


liliaeth March 6 2013, 19:32:43 UTC
except for the part where the chance of you ever getting in the 1% is way below 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000001%


alexvdl March 6 2013, 19:34:54 UTC
Good point. I should probably just give up on my goals and just rail impotently against it.


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