Customs officers at JFK seize 2 women carrying cocaine inside home-made diapers

Jan 31, 2013 11:35

Two ladies from the Bronx have been caught smuggling six and a half kilos of cocaine hidden in 'diapers' under their pants.

Returning to New York's JFK on a JetBlue flight from the Dominican Republic, Priscilla Pena and Michelle Blassingale were relying on the cocaine girdles to give off a natural appearance. However, Customs and Border Protection officers were alerted to the pair who had flown in from Santo Domingo when drug-sniffing dogs started to go wild.

Priscilla Pena and Michelle Blassingale were arrested at New York's JFK after cocaine was found in constructed 'diapers' under their pants. Checking their luggage, but finding no trace of drugs, the officers began a pat-down of the two women and discovered the cocaine filled diapers around the ladies hind quarters.

The two women were traveling back into the United States after visiting the Dominican Republic. Blassingale is being held in jail by a Brooklyn federal judge and Pena has been released on a $150,000 bail bond according to the New York Post.

In October last year, a Caribbean, drug-smuggling baggage handler was hit with three life sentences for turning American Airlines into his own 'personal narcotics shuttle service.' Former American Airlines baggage handler Victor Bourne, 37, was found guilty last year of charges he used his access at John F. Kennedy International Airport to smuggle more than 330 pounds of cocaine from 2000 to 2009. Alleyne had traveled to Africa before the trial began and and hired a witch doctor to put a curse on the prosecutors, according to court documents. 'You personally exacerbated one of the nation's greatest blights,' U.S. District Judge Nicholas Garaufis said at the sentencing in federal court in Brooklyn. Bourne insisted investigators used 'false evidence' to frame him.

'How can I accept responsibility for something that I don't have nothing to do with? the Barbados native asked. As leader of the crew, Bourne made millions of dollars that he laundered through business ventures in Brooklyn and Barbados, authorities said.
Drug Mules and their smuggling ways. Seven unusual methods of trafficking narcotics across borders.

By Stomach: Drug mules numb their throats to ingest long quantities of capsules, or condom filled with drugs and retreived by passing them upon arrival. This method is extremely dangerous. In 2007, a 23-year-old British woman suffered a massive, fatal heart attack on a transatlantic flight after swallowing 60 packers of cocaine. She was dead before the plane landed.

By shoes or in furniture: The DEA brought 56 people in custody in 2006 after discovering drugs stored in the soles of flip flops
and golf bags and furniture shipments in what was a $25 million attempt to smuggle heroin.
By puppies: In 2006, authorities busted a Colombian drug trafficking group trying to smuggle liquid drugs into the U.S. inside 6 puppies. 10 people were charged in the heroin scam and three of the puppies died from infections after incisions were made to remove the drugs.

By child: In May 2008, a Mexican woman was arrested after trying to bring in 20 pounds worth of drugs into the UK byu strapping the narcotics to the legs of two children aged 11 and 13. The children were taken into protective custody and then woman sentenced to almost ten-years in prison.

By bug: Customs officials in the Netherland discovered a shipment of 100 dead beetles stuffed with cocaine. The drug filled bugs had a value of $11,000.

By tombstone: A man trying to enter the U.S. from Mexico in 2000 had a tombstone in his pickup truck. When his story did not add up, the customs officer had a narcotics dog sniff the tombstone. They found several pounds worth of cocaine hidden in a hole that was drilled into the bottom.

By bra: A woman with ample clevage was arrested in January 2008 entering in the UK with almost $80,000 worth of cocaine in pouches fashioned into her bra.

Bourne 'turned American Airlines into his personal narcotics shuttle service, running a criminal organization that ignored passenger safety and security in pursuit of a greater goal - enriching Victor Bourne,' U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch said in a statement. Prosecutors built much of their case against Bourne based on the testimony of six former employees of Fort Worth, Texas-based American Airlines who pleaded guilty to narcotics trafficking. The jury heard evidence that Bourne bribed crew chiefs to assign his gang of corrupt baggage handlers to flights from the Caribbean. The cooperators testified he also paid them tens of thousands of dollars each to 'pull drugs' hidden in the planes - and to keep quiet about it.


stupid people, wtf, drugs

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