What 'Lincoln' misses and another Civil War film gets right

Jan 08, 2013 16:06

- He used the N-word and told racist jokes. He once said African-Americans were inferior to whites. He proposed ending slavery by shipping willing slaves back to Africa ( Read more... )

race / racism, history, slavery, civil rights, films

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othellia January 9 2013, 04:59:14 UTC
Aww... shoot, missed today's one, I'll have to see if they upload it to their website.

I'm very curious to see the parts on the racism from within the Abolitionists' circle since I used to do a bunch of reports on them and that time period in middle school and high school, and never came across that too much. It seems that high school level research books like to leave those parts out.

Also, re: seeing Lincoln as the noble man who freed the slaves above all else, almost everyone I've met who's not into history didn't know the Underground Railroad wasn't underground and wasn't a railroad, so that really doesn't surprise me.


jenny_jenkins January 9 2013, 05:19:23 UTC
I'm 15 minutes in.

So far: Angelina Grimké Weld (win!), William Lloyd Garrison (winner!), Frederick Douglass (winningest!)

Oh - even as I'm typing! Nat Turner rebellion.

It's awesome - don't miss it!


othellia January 13 2013, 05:20:00 UTC
Yeah, I assumed from someone's earlier comment up thread that it'd already passed, and by the time I noticed your that one had passed as well. PBS did upload it to their website though, so I finally got some time to watch it today and it was totally worth it ( ... )


jenny_jenkins January 13 2013, 16:17:49 UTC
WLG and Douglass and Weld - it was their life's work. Their whole lives ( ... )


roseofjuly January 9 2013, 17:39:12 UTC
As in wasn't actually under the earth? *facepalm*


moonshaz January 10 2013, 04:21:57 UTC
...almost everyone I've met who's not into history didn't know the Underground Railroad wasn't underground and wasn't a railroad...

That's just...disturbing.

I've known those things ever since I've known there WAS something called the Underground Railroad. I mean, the first mention of it I ever remember contained that information.

This is just...gaaah. I cannot.


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