California Boy Scout group challenges ban on gay scouts

Jan 08, 2013 10:39

A California chapter of the Boy Scouts of America is directly challenging the national organization's ban on gays by formally recommending that an openly gay former Scout be awarded the top rank of Eagle ( Read more... )

california, youth, homophobia, lgbtq / gender & sexual minorities

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Comments 8

idemandjustice January 8 2013, 17:27:57 UTC
I hope this is able to go somewhere.

I've been considering trying to start up a Spiral Scout troop when my kids are older, but I'm not sure how much interest I'll be able to drum up from other kids and families.


glass_houses January 8 2013, 18:33:01 UTC
This fail right here. Damn it.


rhysande January 8 2013, 20:42:33 UTC
I'd be happy to see the Boy Scouts lose all their charitable donations and membership if they continue to treat everyone who isn't straight & cisgender as pariahs.


carmy_w January 8 2013, 21:54:10 UTC

So fucking much bullshit with their attitude.


moonshaz January 9 2013, 05:28:37 UTC
OMG, yes. Fucking YES.


postynotedreams January 9 2013, 10:10:46 UTC
Don't wish ill on a whole lot of kids because of a few a-hole adults. National has their heads up their posterior. So far in fact, they have no clue how few fucks a lot of units and charter orgs really give about what they think.

Meanwhile, we are waiting for the old men to die off so we can take over.


primeling January 8 2013, 23:17:13 UTC
I grew up in a very pro-boy scout family. My father was an Eagle Scout, my grandfather was chair on our district eagle approval board. I went to New Mexico Philmont ranch more times than I can remember. I loved growing up as one of the few girls in the uniform,

That being said, I can't with them anymore. My heart breaks at how I have to boycott and refuse anymore support or donations towards them.


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