BREAKING: We Missed a Picture of Obama Being Adorable with a Cute Kid

Dec 19, 2012 22:46

(fullsize is here.

This Photo of President Obama Pretending to Be Caught in Spider-Man’s Web is Reason Enough to Name Him ‘Person of the Year’

Earlier today, Time named President Obama "Person of the Year" - again - sparking a debate over the decision's merits.

However, included in the magazine's explanation of its choice was a line to a LightBox page featuring photos of the president snapped by official White House photographer Pete Souza - one of which does a better job of cementing the correctness of Time's selection than any 10,000-word profile can.

"President Barack Obama pretends to be caught in Spider-Man's web as he greets the son of a White House staffer in the Outer Oval Office, Oct. 26, 2012."

Is it too early to talk about a third term?


when will your faves ever?, aww yiss, barack obama, cuteness, good news, unicorn chaser, picspam, children

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