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lozbabie December 15 2012, 04:26:21 UTC
There's a picture there of one of the children from the school. He's just sobbin in his mothers arms

I coach kids this age. Te thought of anyone doing this to BABIES is just heartbreaking. The thoughts of their terror is just killing my soul. I read an interview with one of the year 1 teachers who couldn't lock the door so shoved a bookcase in front of it and just kept telling the kids she loved them because she wanted that to be the last thing they heard and I'm a fucking mess.

I gave all my kids a hug today when I got to the game.

I don't know if I believe in hell but today I hope so because I want this scumbag to be in so much fucking agony right now. I want him suffering.


ultrasushi December 15 2012, 04:37:06 UTC
I don't believe in hell, but I believe in karma and reincarnation. Whatever his next life will be, he will pay for what he's done.


thepuddingcook December 15 2012, 15:23:12 UTC
I am glad I believe in hell in circumstances like this.


chaya December 15 2012, 16:24:23 UTC
I read an interview with one of the year 1 teachers who couldn't lock the door so shoved a bookcase in front of it and just kept telling the kids she loved them because she wanted that to be the last thing they heard

...well, I finally teared up


kyra_neko_rei December 15 2012, 23:31:10 UTC
I'm foreseeing him spending a small eternity floating around the dark voids away from the brightness of Heaven, because the glow of billions of minds basking in their shared love is too scary, too painful, too bright, and because the experience of knowing that every other person there is equally valuable and important is fundamentally threatening of destruction to someone whose sense of self-worth rests entirely on his clung-to delusion that he is the only person of value in the universe.

Sitting in the cold, in the achingly lonely void, with nothing but the only thing he valued, unable and unwilling to come into the warmth because the slightest touch of it will burn him alive.


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