Thousands gather at Michigan Capitol as Right To Work voting continues in House

Dec 11, 2012 11:50

As voting began inside the state Capitol, the crowd outside swelled to more than 10,000 people by police estimates.

The protestors closest to the Capitol pounded drums and empty buckets while chanting in an effort to sway legislators inside.

At the same time, a large pro-union rally was being held in front of Lansing’s City Hall, as giant loudspeakers boomed the speakers' voices across the Capitol lawn.

Included among the speakers was United Auto Worker President Bob King.

“Unions built the middle class of America,” he said. “This is a national attack. These folks want to shift more and more of the wealth to a smaller and smaller group of people.”

Speaker after speaker, including firefighters, teachers and factory workers, vowed today’s protest was just the start. They said they would follow legislators all over the state to remind people of their votes.

One said they’d be at Gov. Rick Snyder’s daughter’s soccer game.

Melissa Waters, of Ann Arbor, was among those listening to the speakers.

“My dad and mom were union workers. Without the contracts they bargained for, we wouldn’t have had food on our table or clothes to wear,” she said.

The crowds began building early, with the bulk arriving around 8:30 a.m.

Led by three police officers on motorcycles, hundreds of union workers and activists marched from the Lansing Center to the Michigan Capitol building this morning, chanting "Hey, hey! Ho, ho! Right-to-work has got to go!" along the way.

Crowds of people streamed into the Lansing Center before the march, including a bearded man in a Santa suit carrying a sign declaring the "GOP stole Christmas."

When the group arrived at the Capitol, they were greeted by a crowd of thousands who had already settle upon the Capitol lawn, shouting, singing and pumping their arms in what is expected to be the largest public protest the seat of state government has ever seen. Protestors, supporters and media from inside and outside Michigan gathered to speak on the controversial issue that has divided the state, and sent ripples across the country.

Union members hoisted a large inflatable rat to the top of the Capitol steps, dubbing it the "Snyder rat."

Ray Litt was standing on the sidelines outside the Capitol this morning, holding a sign that perfectly portrayed his feelings: "Gov. Snyder, Shame on You for Caving to the Right."

Litt, owner of Litt Electrics in Detroit and a longtime union member and supporter, said the legislation attempts to undo all "the wonderful, positive things unions have done for people."

He said he belonged to a union for many years, and when he opened his business he hired union workers. He and others talked about their disappointment that Michigan lawmakers are pushing to approve the legislation during the lame duck session.

"I hope lawmakers will recognize the need to have a process that involves the people," Litt said. "When 2014 rolls around, this kind of action will be met with a real response."

That response?

He said lawmakers who approve the legislation will likely face a strong fight to keep their seats. And he predicted there will be recalls.

On the third floor of the Capitol, dozens of union members circled the rail of the Capitol rotunda, shouting, "This is our house," as they waited to get into the public gallery.

"I am a kindergarten teacher," said Renee Theisen of Warren, whose school district was closed today because so many teachers came to Lansing. "We just want our voices heard. This is important to us to belong to a union, and we want to keep it that way."

Brett Brown of Owosso, a member of UAW Local 602, said: "I hope that they hear that we're disappointed with the way this Legislature has handled this issue, especially the governor. I am hoping to effect change."

A huge contingent of police, armed with billy clubs, began surrounding the Capitol and streaming inside before dawn. Shortly before 8 a.m. today, they began allowing the people inside and they scrambled for the few precious spots in the gallery overlooking the House floor.

Police have limited the amount of public in the common areas of the Capitol to 2,200, including 160 in the Senate gallery and 195 in the House gallery.

"We're feeling good today," said Adamczyk. "We have an enhanced police presence and we want to be highly visible so people feel safe and secure."


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Edit: both bills could be signed by the governor as early as tomorrow Snyder signed both bills this evening. I hope every time that fucker gets up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom he steps on all the legos

unions, labor, michigan, protest

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