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nadejda November 28 2012, 01:54:00 UTC
I'd suggest her to use Reiki for her cancer. It can help her last longer if not completely cure her.

I did some research with Reiki and cancer cells ( breast cancer as well) and it shows that Reiki diminish their growing dramatically.


mirhanda November 28 2012, 02:12:21 UTC
In which peer reviewed publication was it published? I would be so interested in reading the study and its parameters.


bellichka November 28 2012, 02:25:38 UTC
lol I love this comment.


nadejda November 28 2012, 03:35:56 UTC
I've submitted it in numerous journals in the past 10 years- nobody want it- you know if results of just hand on treatment is better than from chemotherapy- who would publish it?

Few weeks ago I've submitted it again- and they still didn't reject it- if they will publish it I'll let you know.
By the way - if you like I can send you the article


nadejda November 28 2012, 03:58:20 UTC
also you can read in peer reviewed journal my another articles on more traditional way to treat cancer. Parameter in both cases are almost the same and the methods ( flow cytometry) to see the resualts as well. ONly in published article were used porphyrins ( or medicianal herbs) + ascorbate and in another article ( not published yet) the treatment had been done by Reiki. Results were very similar- apoptosis, suppressing growth, etc ( ... )


nadejda November 28 2012, 22:56:55 UTC
you know how interesting- we spoke about my Reiki article yesterday and just today I've got the answer from last journal there I submitted it
it's need some changes and explanation but see what reviewer wrote :" I am excited about your findings. You must express them more clearly and in a way that excites and interests your readers. Possibly you could enlist the help of an editor to help your organize your article. This is something worth publishing!"

Yeh- the most global problem as usual is that English is not my native language and sometimes my explanations are not clear to the readers.

But the findings :tables, pictures, diagram they like :)


girly123 November 28 2012, 02:19:33 UTC


teacoat November 28 2012, 02:35:56 UTC
Even ignoring the pseudoscience bullshit, what on earth made you think this was an appropriate response to this story?


nadejda November 28 2012, 03:37:34 UTC
is there rules of which response is appropriate in each case- if so- please send it to me.


hinoema November 28 2012, 05:04:16 UTC
There are. They're known as appropriate social skills. You kind of learn them as you go. A post highlighting a woman's imminent death and desperate fight against a discriminatory tragedy is not the place to hock snake oil.


(The comment has been removed)

bellichka November 28 2012, 03:18:36 UTC


quizzicalsphinx November 28 2012, 03:05:16 UTC
Are you still here?


redstar826 November 28 2012, 03:22:52 UTC
wow, talk about completely missing the point of the article


nadejda November 28 2012, 03:39:39 UTC
I do not think so- one of the point is- woman want to last long enough to see the results- right?

I said what I think can help her in it.


illusivevenstar November 28 2012, 09:35:22 UTC
You're acting like she hasn't exhausted alternatives that she finds viable. Seeing as the American Cancer Society has an article about Reiki, I'm sure she's aware of it. It's not exactly obscure.

I know it's you, and you have a lot of trouble understanding common sense, but just stop.


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