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hr0nk November 23 2012, 03:36:10 UTC
Personally I think it's a little grating that she's doing this shit at the frikkin' Arlington National Cemetary, especially in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier -- that's pretty offensive to everyone involved, but I'm from a military family so that's just my view point.

My HR manager would have a freaking field day over this if she was actually there for work (i.e.: oldies field trip). She probably violated a few policies in her employee handbook, so no wonder the company fired her.

If she was off the clock, they really SHOULDN'T care but so few companies are that good.


blueburndown November 23 2012, 03:39:00 UTC
She was infact on a field trip for work when that photo was taken. Even better it was taken by her supervisor. Who was also fired.


hr0nk November 23 2012, 03:40:10 UTC
Yup, super canned. You can't be an asshole while on the clock and still keep your job.


danceprincess20 November 23 2012, 03:46:54 UTC
Yeah, to me this is what makes the reaction (from her workplace) appropriate. IMO, what you do on your personal time and post privately is private but what you do on work time is different.


effervescent November 23 2012, 03:53:36 UTC
See, if she did this on her own time I'd be more hesitant... People can be jerks on their own time. But doing something like this on a work related trip? I'm not surprised that they fired her.


world_dancer November 23 2012, 04:14:49 UTC
Yeah, I'm not real keen on the witch hunt for her job. But she was on the clock representing her organization. So the firing makes sense.

I do feel bad for her that she's probably unemployable now (given the not great economy). Ultimately she did it to herself. There was nothing "mock" about what she did, unless you want to tell me they photoshopped in the flipping the bird part.


(The comment has been removed)

effervescent November 24 2012, 01:13:09 UTC
If she was paid to go there by her work, though, anything that she does is indirectly work related because the dollars or point of the trip are work driven. Idk, I just distinguish between 'not at work' in the sense of being at my own house and 'not at work' when it's a trip that I'm on for my job.


ginmar November 24 2012, 20:43:17 UTC
Yeah, if this were some private photo, she's an ass, but on a work trip? The boss has got to think about that might affect his business. The job's within its rights to fire her, buuuuuuuuut I'm kind of disturbed. I think when the SCOTUS ruled in favor of Westboro's freedom of speech right to protest they did the right thing, but other people have free speech as well, and if they're bothered by Westboro, they can get off their asses and do something. (And soem have done so, which I think is the right thing.)

I'm almost not so much offended as....really? She's that immature? IT's such a stupid thing to do. It's really immature. I mean, why would a thirty-year-old woman think this was worth doing? I think it's a jerky thing to do, but beyond that...huh? Utterly bewildering.


roseofjuly November 23 2012, 06:49:20 UTC
Why wouldn't a supervisor care even if she was off the clock? If she's posting this publicly, she's representing the company in a bad light. If they kept her on despite public outrage they could lose business - from a purely captalistic standpoint alone.


bellichka November 23 2012, 14:36:43 UTC
Posting it to your private facebook is not the same as posting it publicly, but I see what you're saying.


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