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tiddlywinks103 November 23 2012, 03:26:15 UTC
Too much. Especially since it was on her private Facebook, not a work-related one. This sucks for her.


idemandjustice November 23 2012, 16:21:06 UTC
When these things get posted publicly, they reflect on your employer. It's not unusual at all for this to happen these days. It's not hard to lock this shit. Or, maybe not be an ass, and just don't do this stupid, disrespectful shit in the first place.


ginmar November 25 2012, 02:42:34 UTC
The irony is that she was doing what those soldiers can genuinely be said to have fought for her right to do so. They can use DNA now to identify the Unknowns, so these poor men are probably the only Unknowns that will lie there, which means we're talking WWI and WWII. (There was a Viet Nam era Unknown, but he was identified and returned to his family.) The Unknowns in those tombs fought against utterly horrifying enemies.

She was dumb, but who hasn't been? I don't see any point in demonstrating what a rebel one is by insulting the dead, and just being rude and stupid, but the reaction to this really is too much. Her actions can reflect on the company, but she can be punished by being suspended and so forth. I'm afraid this reaction will harden her notions that this is how one rebels. A total waste of time, and I bet the people that were the most angry do little if anything for the living veterans that face so many problems today.


idemandjustice November 25 2012, 02:47:23 UTC
When I made this comment I hadn't read about the whole web site harassing her and all that. I'm also unclear now whether this was a public post to her facebook, or if it was something private that got leaked.

I'd just been thinking about my husband being in a job where he has to be VERY careful about what he posts on facebook. He has to avoid anything political or potentially offensive in any way, because as part of the state patrol, it will reflect on them. Getting fired is one thing, but I do think giving it all this publicity really sucks and is unfair. I think it's going to be very difficult for her to find another job.


autumnleaving November 23 2012, 21:03:42 UTC
Her situation reminds me: if there's anything I learned, even though my private settings on Facebook are as "locked down" as I can have them be, it's that I will not post anything that I don't mind being on the 'net. It's too risky.


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