TW: Transphobia, classism, homelessness, mentions of violence, abuse, suicide, murder, stats that are depressing as fuck
Transgender Day of Remembrance: A Call to House Our Homeless
Nov. 20 is Transgender Day of Remembrance, or "TDOR," a day of memorial for those in the trans community who have been lost to violence. (
Triggery things under the cut )
Is the gender identity/gender expression thing a problem because it could potentially be used to discriminate against trans* people who haven't had the physically altering surgery? Because if, say, their body is still 'biologically male' but they 'dress female', it 'doesn't count' in some minds or something?
I googled 'gender expression' and that's what comes to mind - what am i missing/misunderstanding?
Does that make sense?
For example, it's very important to me (pre-surgery, pre-hormones) that my company is ok with me wearing menswear to work. I wear clearly obvious men's clothes (and at my current job have had only one guy ask me why and he took "I'm more comfortable in them" as a fine answer). It took a while to find that.
On the other hand, before I was out, I worked for a company that mandated pantyhose/stockings for women year round. Regardless of what else you were wearing. If my female boss wore capris into the office on the hottest day of the summer, she had to wear stockings with them - and it took fighting to get capris allowed and not just "dresses, skirts, and women's dress trousers" in the approved wardrobe. A lot of my less feminine female-identified friends would fare poorly under such strict rules, never mind people who are trans.
And wtf, hose? Still? I despise hose - the bane of my childhood. Can't believe any company would demand people wear them still.
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