
Nov 17, 2012 04:45

Solange Knowles' Hair Targeted By The TSA
The Huffington Post | By Julee Wilson

Just when you thought all of that TSA hair frisking nonsense was over, now comes news that Solange Knowles' curly mane has experienced its very own "Discrim-FRO-nation."

The 26-year-old star says that her hair was searched by Transportation Security Administration officials in Miami on Wednesday. She took to Twitter to vent about the situation and offer some levity:

@solangeknowles: Discrim-FRO-nation. My hair is not a storage drawer. Although, guess I couuld hide a joint up in here. *Blames "Romnesia" (my wigs name)
@solangeknowles: Lets play a little game called: "What did TSA find in Solange's Fro"?
@solangeknowles: Ok. Game over:( Flights taking off. Me and my wig had a lot of good laughs with y'all.

Of course some of Solange's 1.3 million Twitter followers jumped at the chance to play "What did TSA find in Solange's Fro?" Guesses ranged from the practical--"a bobby pin"--to the hysterical--"Romney's actual 5 point plan."

While this isn't the first hairy situation regarding the TSA, the agency insists that they don't profile when it comes to hair type or style.

"If someone is passing through the advanced imaging technology machine, it shows an outline of an individual, the same for every single person," Sari Koshetz, a spokeswomen for TSA, told CNN.com. "If the hair area is highlighted, the machine may have picked up an anomaly or a possible threat in the head area. It would not be someone's hair but something in someone's hair."

Doesn't the TSA know that you should never touch a black woman's hair? But jokes aside, you might think twice about wearing your kinky curls when jetsetting out of town.


Maybe we should have a "flying while black/brown" tag now

oh not this shit again, excuze me wtf r u doin, discrimination, concern trolls, facepalm, fuckery, black people

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