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ceilidh November 13 2012, 19:55:45 UTC
We are really quite unimpressed with Congressional representatives such as Todd Akin and Paul Broun who actually serve on the House science committee and who believe, respectively, that rape does not cause pregnancy and that evolution and astrophysics are lies straight from Satan’s butt cheeks.

all of this is awesome but this is my favorite part.


compost75 November 13 2012, 20:51:41 UTC
Unfortunately, the NEW Republican candidates for the Chairmanship of the House Science Committee are also anti-science diehards.


tadashee November 13 2012, 21:15:18 UTC


compost75 November 14 2012, 00:08:35 UTC
Dana Rohrabacher is known as an enthusiastic supporter of the space program and a prominent skeptic that humans are contributing to global warming. He has a been a ferocious critic of the Obama administration, and has gone to the House floor to attack U.S. government programs that fund research and environmental programs overseas.

F. James Sensenbrenner Jr " believe that climate change can be addressed without raising taxes and increasing regulation" though he might believe that global warming exists.

Lamar Smith has voted against any all all regulations to limit or regulate greenhouse gasses.


tadashee November 25 2012, 21:57:39 UTC
Thank you! I didn't know any of this.


layweed November 13 2012, 21:17:15 UTC
does. not. compute.

How do you put anti-science nutters on the House SCIENCE Committee?????????????????


maladaptive November 13 2012, 21:32:30 UTC
Because anyone who wants to be on a committee can be, IIRC. So it's really just the cool kid's table and people come in and get run out due to interpersonal issues more than qualifications.


layweed November 13 2012, 21:34:44 UTC
Oh yeah I understand how the assignments and all that work, I just don't know why the fuck you would put someone who is a denialist on the Committee that oversees non-defense research & development funding/programs. That's MY livelihood they're fucking with (well if I ever get a government job *eyeroll*).


karma_aster November 14 2012, 00:14:34 UTC
Well, everyone knows that reality has an obvious liberal bias.


magedragonfire November 14 2012, 05:46:43 UTC


tadashee November 13 2012, 21:15:00 UTC
I didn't even know akin was on the science committee. That's really disturbing.


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