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tabaqui November 1 2012, 19:10:40 UTC
Good on him!


ragnor144 November 1 2012, 19:15:35 UTC
It's good to see him do this, but I still do not forgive him for Jar Jar Binks.


nanet November 1 2012, 19:18:15 UTC
Just think...Disney owns Jar Jar now. I predict a series of 3D animated movies featuring Jar Jar fighting crime. Somehow there will be a crossover with Wall-E.

(But seriously, good on Lucas for this.)


astridmyrna November 1 2012, 19:58:54 UTC
lickety_split November 1 2012, 20:25:57 UTC
Lawd this movie was just beyond terrible.

OMG and the part where his mask hisses shut, my mom BURST OUT SCREAMING WITH LAUGHTER in the theater... which then caused everyone else to start laughing. Our entire audience was cracking up literally until the lights went back up.


astridmyrna November 1 2012, 20:37:41 UTC
I love amazing audiences like that.

Omg, that reminds me of the time I went to see Breaking Dawn Part 1 (don't judge, I had to work 8 days straight during thanksgiving week and needed to watch something to feel better about myself), and at the very end when Bella's crushed chest pops back out the entire theater just exploded with laughter.


amber_protocol November 2 2012, 01:42:42 UTC
Lmaooooo. You couldn't pay me to watch another Twilight movie after New Moon (which I went to see for the lulz but it ended up making me want to stab myself from boredom), but I might consider seeing another one if it was with an audience like that.


tabaqui November 1 2012, 19:57:04 UTC
Who could?


evewithanapple November 1 2012, 21:35:05 UTC
Or the erasing of his wife's contributions to the franchise. Or the lolpedophilia he wanted to put in Indiana Jones. Or . . .


ragnor144 November 1 2012, 22:47:06 UTC
I didn't know about these things. They are both horrible. Jar Jar Binks is a joke, these are serious.


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