Girl, 4, reduced to tears over US election coverage.

Nov 01, 2012 15:28

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Tearful four-year-old Abigael Evans declares herself "tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney" after hearing one report too many on the race for the White House.

Four-year-old Abigael Evans from Colorado was travelling in the car with her mother Elizabeth when a report on the US presidential election came on the radio.
After nearly six months of wall-to-wall coverage in the US media of the race for the White House, this was the final straw for Abigael, who burst into tears. Stopped in a car park, her mother asked her what the matter was. Choked with emotion, Abigael replied she was "tired of Bronco Bamma and Mitt Romney."

Elizabeth Evans uploaded the video to YouTube, where it has since been viewed over 1.5 million views.

Hearing of the young girl's exasperation, the National Public Radio station responsible issued a sympathetic apology on its website:

"On behalf of NPR and all other news outlets, we apologize to Abigael and all the many others who probably feel like her. We must confess, the campaign's gone on long enough for us, too. Let's just keep telling ourselves: "Only a few more days, only a few more days, only a few more days," the statement said.



OP: Around this time when I hear of all the ads in the election campaign I compare it to our own somewhat genteel system where TV political broadcasts are only shown at certain times (so are easy to miss if you want to) and how to this day I have never heard a political radio advert here.

election 2012, mitt romney, democrats, barack obama, advertising, children, republican party

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