The $5 Million Dollar Fake Birther Video that Will Destroy Obama!

Oct 28, 2012 03:23

Birther Time Traveler Uses Magic to Capture Obama's Birth.

Now the Birthers Have a Hilarious Bogus Obama "Birth" Tape

It really does feel like the Obama Conspiracyverse has moved on from pure birtherism to the theory that the president's real father was Frank Marshall Davis. So I welcome this flashback from Vice, a video from a crazy person who thinks it's proof that Barack Obama was born in a Kenyan hospital in 1961.

It's so damn debunk-able, it hurts. First, notice the curious closing shot of the Kenyan flag, which is placed (for some reason) at the foot of the bed. A calender earlier in the shot -- also, hilariously, zoomed in on as if the videographer is trying to find the Cloverfield monster -- tells us that we're in 1961.

This was Kenya's flag in 1961.

Peter, the man behind the video, tells Vice that "an associate from Africa contacted me and said that he had a VHS transfer of the original Super-8 film." There was no Super 8 film in 1961. It was rolled out in 1964.

An Awesomely Bad Fake Obama Birth Video

Someone who respects the intelligence of Americans even less than Mitt Romney “leaked” a video to Vice of “Barack Obama being born in Kenya.” It’s even more obviously, hilariously fake than you’re imagining.

Publishing an interview with the man who approached them with the video, VICE commented only that “the whole thing sounds fucking bananas.”

The man identified himself as Peter R., a Romanian-American importer-exporter of cotton. He claims to have received the video, and the original Super 8 film, from a friend in Africa who was a family friend of the Obamas. Peter R. claims to be in contact with Donald Trump, seeking the $5 million he offered for Pres. Obama’s college transcripts and passport documents. Peter said that he will “hopefully meet some [Trump associates] either in a parking lot, or even in the lobby, and just take cash for [the video].”

Ok. The video is so obviously fake, it seems stupid to point out how. But here are a few things:
  • That woman is not Stanley Ann Dunham (Obama’s mother). That’s a real photo of her on the “admissions form.” There’s some resemblance, but that’s not the same person.
  • The woman in the film appears to be the most stout, unfazed birther of children since pioneer times.
  • That would the biggest, least-blood-covered newborn baby ever.
  • The camera hovers unnaturally on incriminating evidence.
  • What hospital admissions form has a headshot and the name written in marker and block letters?
  • Hospitals don’t have flags everywhere; doctors don’t always wear conveniently placed flag pins.
  • Even if they did, that’s not what the Kenyan flag was in 1961, when Barack Obama was born.
  • Super 8 mm film (the kind imitated by the filter here) was not released until 1965.

As Jon Stewart has pointed out though, Birthers are kinda impervious to evidence. When confronted with how giant the “newborn” child in the video was, Peter R. responded that “in Kenya they are born big and then they become light.”

Wow. I’m almost willing to believe that Peter R. is a Borat-like satire artist, proving how little respect the “liberal media” has for conservatives if they are willing to believe he is real. That would actually make more sense.

you stay classy, fail, lulz, not intended to be a factual statement, the tea party is not racist!, birthers, conspiracies, race / racism, stupid people, conspiracy theories/theorists, not the onion, lol wut, poes law, republicans, hoaxes

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