Shenanigans Friday: October 19, 2012.

Oct 19, 2012 16:30

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!shenanigans sunday

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Comments 492

kitschaster October 19 2012, 20:33:50 UTC


layweed October 19 2012, 20:34:41 UTC


kitschaster October 19 2012, 20:36:07 UTC


kitschaster October 19 2012, 20:42:06 UTC
That said, my very first Pathfinder game that I'm GMing is just going swimmingly. I've nearly broken the sanity of one character, got to take the character sheet of my fiance *muahahahhaa*, and revealed the players biggest ally NPC throughout this game as one of the main bad guys. *squeeeee* I thought all was lost with this game, what with my fiance behaving like a douche, but last night I shut him up quickly and fairly! No GM finagling required. He walked right into a trap I knew he'd walk into, behaved poorly, and got Dominate Person cast on him.


Also, if you're into shisha and hookah, I've never smelled shisha as heavenly as this one brand called Tangiers. Omg, I got in a small order today that had their Orange Soda flavor, and my whole house smells like orange soda. Can't have it tonight, though, as I'M HOARSE from being sick and GMing last night (and that one post on FB caused almost 30 posts of horse puns...I'm looking at you alryssa), but we're definitely getting down on this when I'm better ( ... )


bmh4d0k3n October 19 2012, 20:35:21 UTC
In case you haven't seen it already, this Bad Lip Reading of the first debate is magical:


one_hoopy_frood October 19 2012, 20:41:24 UTC
Oh my god oh my god that is the most beautiful thing I've seen all week.


kitschaster October 19 2012, 20:50:05 UTC
*blinks* Wtf did I just watch? And I watched all of it. Wow, lol.


charenton_ October 19 2012, 21:29:08 UTC
BRILLIANT! Thanks so much for this!!


fenris_lorsrai October 19 2012, 20:37:04 UTC

I had art to show off, but forgot to upload it before I left for work. I figured I'd have time later.

I have been working on doing 2nd ed of gaming project I worked on so have been updating the art I did for that as well. so year, updating 7 year old art. weee, cringeworthy art!

anyway, second ed is now at the proofreading stage and will probably be all set for release before Halloween. YEAH WEREWOLVES!


farchivist October 19 2012, 21:33:32 UTC
Gaming project with Werewolves? Onyx?


fenris_lorsrai October 19 2012, 22:15:52 UTC
nope, Rage which is based off Werewolf the Apocalypse.

... )


farchivist October 19 2012, 22:27:10 UTC
Oh Lordy hell, my early college years just came rushing back. I wonder what happened to my set of cards and my set of VTES.


one_hoopy_frood October 19 2012, 20:37:19 UTC
I've had an awful, rattley, mucus-y cough for a week and a half now caused by my allergies. I've had to sleep mostly sitting up because I can't breathe through my nose while lying down. Today I got tired of over the counter stuff not working and went to the doctor and now I have codeine. It is amazing how well this stuff works.

Here's a fennec fox eating an apple:

... )


shadowwolf1321 October 19 2012, 20:43:01 UTC
Aw that fox is freaking adorable! Also hope you get better soon


one_hoopy_frood October 19 2012, 20:44:00 UTC
Thank you! <3 Fennecs are my favorite animal.


kitschaster October 19 2012, 20:51:56 UTC
*murrrrrs* So cute!


paulnolan October 19 2012, 20:38:15 UTC

Mostly Minecraft here, with some KH3D now and then.

Also, programming in C is much harder than I remember - in a fit of nostalgia I picked up the development suite for RISC OS (rather awesome-for-its-time operating system created by the same people who came up with the ARM processor, and what I grew up using). Fun relearning this stuff but still, yikes... I've been spoiled by high level languages and it's showing. D:


layweed October 19 2012, 20:39:39 UTC
Haven't played a damned thing in weeks. AT&T DSL squished my bandwidth to like 1.3mbps and it's so freaking slowwwww.

oh wait, I picked up HOMM5 on GOG and played like the first 3 campaign missions. but that's it.


shortsweetcynic October 19 2012, 20:43:53 UTC
None, but tonight I'm going to indulge my burning desire to drink vodka and sprite and play super Mario galaxy 2. I play it better slightly buzzed. :)


fenris_lorsrai October 19 2012, 20:44:36 UTC
Moderating a tournament game for Rage where I keep scratching my head and going "WTF ARE YOU DOING!?!" I'm the mod so can't offer advice but am really left scratching my head over what one of the players is doing. (I already one my first round in this tournament, so am set to advance to next round)

Also doing second edition on one of the Rage sets. It's currently being proofread, but will be all done for Halloween. YEAH, WEREWOLVES!


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