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justspaz October 19 2012, 00:27:57 UTC
Man, I disagree with what Whoopi tends to say a lot (see, Roman Polanski), but damn that was a good question.

Slightly OT, but Newt Gringrich came to speak at my school a year+ ago, and there was a Q&A where the then president of Penn Democrats (our school's club for the party) asked him how he could claim to be a moral authority on issues like gay marriage when he had cheated on and divorced his wives to marry his mistresses. She said it very diplomatically, but he got all angry and there was a huge controversy in the student paper for about 3 weeks that he was a 'guest' and that she shouldn't dare ask him questions like that. I just wanted to shout at them all, THIS IS A PERSON RUNNING FOR PUBLIC OFFICE. HE HAS TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT HE SAYS AND DOES IF IT HAS A BEARING ON HIS VIEWS AND POLICIES. But never 'read the comments' extends to school newspaper websites too. Actually, especially so. They are a special ring of hell.

This interview/Fox news reaction just reminds me of that, save the fact that Mrs. Romney isn't the one actually running, but still.


muppetfromhell October 19 2012, 01:51:44 UTC
Why the hell would newt even come to penn. that's just dumb.


vapor October 19 2012, 17:51:21 UTC
Absolutely accurate! I watched the new tv show, The Newsroom, and they had a whole episode just about how politicians who want my vote should be able to answer my questions. There shouldn't be any 'approved by the campaign' questions. Political office is an open, public place, so if you're running, you and your entire life is an open book. You need to be able to justify why you feel a certain way and how you arrived at that decision.


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