TEPCO terminates damages payments for emotional distress to women that marry

Oct 17, 2012 19:33

TEPCO terminates damages payments for emotional distress to women that marry

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (TEPCO) has terminated damages payments to multiple women, who got married while taking shelter, for their emotional distress caused by the crisis at the Fukushima No. 1 Nuclear Power Plant, arguing that their livelihoods were restored through marriage, it has been learned.

There are no such provisions in the interim guidelines that define the scope of compensation for nuclear crisis-linked damage set by the screening committee of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The Agency for Natural Resources and Energy in the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, which oversees the status of compensation payments, also said, "Payments should not be terminated for reasons of marriage or job transfer." The two government agencies have started to try to figure out exactly what has been taking place.

According to a woman in her 30s and her family who evacuated to temporary housing in the central part of Fukushima Prefecture from their home in a planned evacuation zone in Futaba County near the crippled Fukushima nuclear power station, the woman got married to a man in Sukagawa in the same prefecture in October 2011 and moved to her husband's home.

When she requested the compensation payments for her mental distress for the 2011 September-November period in February this year, a TEPCO official in charge noticed the change of her family name and implied that the utility would terminate damages payments for her. TEPCO headquarters called her later to inform her that it had discontinued damages payments for November 2011 and thereafter, explaining that her livelihood was restored through marriage.

The interim guidelines set forth in August 2011 by the science ministry's Dispute Reconciliation Committee for Nuclear Damage Compensation stipulate that monthly payments of 100,000 yen should be made in principle to each of those who were forced to move from evacuation zones and take shelter for long periods. Under the guidelines, the utility should pay compensation "until they can return home," but because it is not clear when the troubled nuclear power plant will be brought under control, it is difficult to say specifically when the utility will be able to terminate damages payments. Hence, the guidelines have no reference to marriages.

The woman consulted with the Dispute Reconciliation Center for Nuclear Damage. Compensation, saying, "My mental distress will not simply disappear through marriage." TEPCO replied in late September that it would pay a total of 600,000 yen covering six months from December 2011 to May this year. However, the utility has not sent her the necessary documents to request damages payments after that period.

The woman's mother said irately, "Does that mean if women want to receive compensation, they should not get married?"

TEPCO has come under fire from government officials for its handling of damages payments. A science ministry official said, "The mental distress brought on by prolonged life as evacuees does not disappear through marriage." An official of the Agency for Natural Resources and Energy said, "It is wrong to terminate compensation payments for reasons of marriage."


'Cause all women need to get over emotional trauma and loss of their home and livelihood is a husband, y'all!

asdfghjkl; FUCK TEPCO.

japan, fucking valuable thing, sexism, fuckery, fukushima (japan), misogyny

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