CA governor signs social network privacy bill

Sep 27, 2012 15:26

California Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a pair of privacy bills making it illegal for employers and colleges to demand access to social media accounts.

Brown announced on Thursday that he signed AB1844 by Assemblywoman Nora Torres. The bill prohibits employers from demanding user names and passwords from employees and job applicants.

The restriction does not apply to passwords or information used on employer-issued electronic devices.

The governor also signed SB1349 by Sen. Leland Yee. The companion bill makes it illegal for colleges and universities to demand social media user names and passwords from students and prospective students.

Brown says the legislation will protect Californians from "unwarranted invasions."

rock on, Mr. Governor sir. now i'd like to see this go national.

here be source

college/university, california, social media, twitter, jobs, privacy, internet/net neutrality/piracy

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