Thousands Have Retaken Zuccotti Park Ahead of Occupy Wall Street's One-year Anniversary

Sep 17, 2012 11:25


Panoramic view of Zuccotti last night (OCongress)

9/16 - Ahead of tomorrow's highly anticipated marches set for the one-year anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, thousands of activists have retaken Zuccotti Park.

The crowds occupying Zuccotti Park are an eclectic mix. Some of those who have retaken the park streamed in on buses from all across the country.

There is also a large contingency of activist Jews (many of whom have been inspired by Occupy Judaism) who are holding Rosh Hashanah services in Zuccotti to celebrate the Jewish New Year. Here is the sermon that was delivered.

The festivities tonight come on the heels of scores of indiscriminate and brutal arrests the NYPD last night as hundreds of activists gathered to usher in the one-year anniversary.

As people continue to stream into Zuccotti Park, and as the supplicated Hebrew chants for a year of renewal echo off Zuccotti's concrete, one thing is clear: all eyes should be on New York City tomorrow morning, for Occupy Wall Street will once again lift up its head and roar a mighty roar.


occupywallstreet, judaism, protest, new york

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