Pat Robertson Tells Man To Move To Saudi Arabia So He Can Beat His Wife (Legally, of Course)

Sep 10, 2012 18:17

This morning on the 700 Club's regular segment "Bring It On," in which horrible people ask other horrible people how to continue being horrible people, a man asked Pat Robertson how to work things out with his wife who "has no respect for [him] as head of the house." Pat Robertson responded, unblinking:

Trigger Warning for abuse, assault. Video under the cut )

men suck, wtf, christianity, flames on the side of my face, pat robertson, domestic violence, islamophobia, *trigger warning: abuse

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Comments 40

redstar826 September 11 2012, 01:06:59 UTC
maybe his wife doesn't respect him because it dawned on her that she married a man who watches Pat Robertson...


fishphile September 11 2012, 16:58:38 UTC


layweed September 11 2012, 01:09:20 UTC

i wish they could pull his fucking program off the air, but seeing as it's essentially paid programming, idk how they would accomplish that.


lovedforaday September 11 2012, 01:17:55 UTC
the stupid Muslims beat their wives joke. calling a grown woman a child. suggesting that the husband should beat his wife even beyond the offensive Muslim joke. scoffing at the idea of psychological counseling for the husband and wife. there are so many things wrong with that video.

it's really a shame old Pat had an airtight contract drawn up that prohibits any owners of the Family Channel from canceling the 700 Club. this shit shouldn't be on any channel outside those horrible Christian stations.


carmy_w September 11 2012, 03:17:38 UTC
It runs on our local CBS channel. Think I need to start sending them some serious emails/letters/petitions....


shadowwolf1321 September 11 2012, 01:26:00 UTC
Not this asshole again. Why is his program still on the fucking air?! There are so many things wrong in that video it is unbelievable that people believe the bullshit he is spewing.


poetic_pixie_13 September 11 2012, 01:26:24 UTC
Men fucking suck.


layweed September 11 2012, 01:32:46 UTC
Idk if I would even call Pat Robertson a "man". He's like that fucking slimy shit you get clinging to rocks. Boot scrapping. Fucking lower than dirt.


bestdaywelived September 11 2012, 02:24:12 UTC

None of this apologism shit. He's a man. Not in scare quotes, but a man.


brother_dour September 11 2012, 02:35:54 UTC
That's right. Pond scum bears no responsibility. Robertson -should-


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