Delurking with a Picspam

Sep 27, 2008 22:16

Hi, all. I've been lurking about for a while so here we go with a bit of a picspam. I thought I'd share some of my favorite non-American non-swim/gymnastics bbs. These include Matteo Tagliariol, Martins Plavins, Aleksandrs Samoilovs, and Alexandre Despatie.

Matteo Tagliariol, Italian, gold medal, fencing (epee)

Martins Plavins and Aleksandrs Samoilovs (Why so plural, boys?) Latvia, beach volleyball, "giant killers" - defeated USA in first round.

Alexandre Despatie, Canada, Diving, Biggest Bulge (No, seriously.)

Goodness gracious.

Anybody else have some lesser known Olympian luvahs they want to share?

team: latvia, team: france, picspam, sport: diving, athletes: alexandre despatie, team: italy, sport: beach volleyball, sport: fencing, athletes: martins plavins, athletes: aleksandrs samoilovs, athletes: matteo tagliariol

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