Merlin stars Colin Morgan [Merlin], Bradley James [Arthur], and Katie McGrath [Morgana] phoned us all from all the way from London and we had a wonderful (and often hyserical) chat about saying goodbye to the series, real life chivalry, and journalistic originality.
So it's just been anounced that season 5 is the final season. Now that the cat's out of the bag, admit it, how long have you known?
Katie: I think we've always known, to be honest. The producers were always pretty clear that they had a five year plan for the story for all our characters and they had written the stories for those characters based on us doing those five years. So we were always kind of aware that we would do that. We weren't sure we would get those five years, so we were very grateful we'd be able to see it through to the end.
Bradley: We've had time to marinade on the thought of it finishing, so its something that we've been expecting
Was it hard to say goodbye?
Colin: I think because we have the expectation, we knew it was coming, it wasn't a shock. We knew that the final few weeks were the final few weeks. It was in our conscience. We actually filmed the final episode then we went back and filmed episodes 9 and 10. It was like we'd already shot the end of the series, so it was just, you know, just about getting through to the end.
What will you miss most about Merlin?
Bradley: THE PEOPLE! The people we work with. We had a great crew and a we had a lot of fun people in the cast and that will be, well, it will be a pleasure to miss them because we have such fond memories of so many people who made it such a fun experience.
Anyone in particular?
Bradley: Uh, no - I think that's the great thing about it. We have that many people within the crew who [were] a joy to spend time with. As a note to the cast, I think one of the joys that made it possible to do the show and keep the enthusiasm is that each day you'd come to work and you'd be working with some really fun people. I count myself very lucky that I've was cast with the people I was cast with, so that is what we'll miss.
So even with the five year plan, do you think the story ends where it should?
Katie: Yeah I think it does. It's important when you're telling any story that if you have the option to tell the end that you should and I think its nice to put a full stop after five years and to be able to tell the beginning and tell the ending as well. It's very important.
Bradley: There's a collective contentment on how it finished off. It's something we're happy with and I think the audience will be happy with too.
Speaking of the fans, many have the "bit in the mouth" in regards to the idea of a movie. Would you be on board if it came up?
Katie: [laughs] People are like rottweilers if they get it in their teeth! They hold on to it! For me, I don't know what story we could tell in 2 hours that we didn't already tell in 65 hours of tv. That's my take. But if they come up with one, you know, tell me about it and well see what happens from there.
We had a wonderful fan question for you guys, asking if you kept anything from set as a momento after filming was wrapped for the final time?
Bradley: Uh, yeah, Excalibur is going to find it's way into my house pretty soon.
Katie: I was quite lucky that, since my costume didn't really change of the past few years, they had quite a few examples of it so they gave me the oldest and most ratty one - but I did get a version of my costume to keep.
Colin: I have kept a few things, but they are for people, so in case it gets publicized [before I'm ready], I'm gonna wait.
So Bradley, after playing a knight for so many years, have you ever invoked your knightly chivalry off set?
Katie: He held the door open for me once. That was nice.
Bradley: Um, I would say I was an incredible chivalrous man anyway, so that's why I was given the part [all laugh] - due to my natural level of chivalrous-ness. It's widely known actually. Throughout the lands.
Now finally, you've been doing this for hours today -
Bradley: We've been doing this for days [laugh].
So you've been doing this for days. Is there any completely obscure or random question you had a prepared answer for that no one has asked?
Katie: Well now see this is good because this means you've asked the perfect question for each of us without actually asking us the question - that's very smart. Now, we've been doing these interviews for, at least what, 7-8 hours today? So there's not a lot of questions that haven't been asked.
Bradley: I'd say that all the questions that so far today have been today that have surprised us have been the ones we have enjoyed answering. But then - it's difficult for you guys because you're up against all these people today - how on earth are you supposed to come up with an original question? It's a tough task! That - in itself -
Katie: Is a pretty good question!
Bradley: Is a relatively original question! Congratulations! [laughs]
source So season 5 starts off three years after season 4 finished. At this point, Arthur is well into his kinghood. That being said, has the relationship between Merlin and Arthur as they go on this journey together?
Colin: It's been a big journey right from the beginning. Merlin's had to bobsled his way up and this season, he faces some of the biggest cliffs he has to bobsled over. There's this journey that they embark on through emotional turmoil - and there's a lot this season. Magic's confronted a lot in this season, which is good to see since it's been repressed for so many years. They've reached a point I think which is a very strong friendship between the two.
What about Arthur and Gwen? Are they in a good place?
Bradley: Well, just picking up on what "Bob" [Colin] said, I think the world for Arthur at the moment is in a very good place in the beginning of season 5. Part of that is that he's happily married - and not getting nagged too much by his wife. So he's in a very good place.
Do you think Arthur makes a good husband?
Bradley: Uh, by medieval standards I think he makes a cracking husband to be honest with you! [all laugh]
Katie : Now by "medieval standards", what does that mean?
Bradley: Well you know, the fact that she's allowed to speak out of turn is kind of, by medieval standards, pretty good going. She's got a pretty good deal. By today's standards? Eh, I don't know. She doesn't have to cook or clean, she has all that done for her. She's not called a wench on a regular basis. So she's doing pretty well compared to all the other wives of Camelot.
So Colin, Mordred returns this season, but for reasons that will become clear pretty quickly, Merlin doesn't really trust him. But I'd think Merlin would be pleased to have another sorcerer who knows his secret. Can you shed some light on why the relationship is so complicated between the two of them:
Colin: It's always been complicated I think. When Mordred first came to Camelot, he was a Druid boy and it became clear very quickly that he wasn't just any Druid boy; he was destined for darkness and things that directly affected Merlin's destiny. It's the ambiguity of Mordred in this season that's most concerning because it appears he's not addressing, at all, that magical side of himself. The connection that should be there for Merlin and Mordred isn't. And Merlin's shown something highly incriminating against Mordred that directly affects the future and that creates a blockade that he's not willing to pull down between them.
Sounds like a complicated couple of episodes coming up.
Colin: Yes, very much, and throughout the season.
Now, Katie, we're going to see Morgana do some pretty reprehensible thing in this upcoming season. But do you think there any part of her that carries remorse for what she does?
Katie: I don't think Morgana thinks she's doing anything wrong! I think she's in the field that she's fighting for freedom for people like herself so there's no remorse. She believes she's doing what's necessary to save her kind. See, you're looking at it from the wrong point of view. You have to imagine the show is called "Morgana" [laugh]. Therefore, I am the good guy and Merlin is the bad guy.
Colin: Wait. Whoa. [laughs]
Well in light of that, are we going to see her team up with anyone on this show called "Morgana"?
Katie: Well, on my show, there'd be many, many men - many good looking men - who would come in and help Morgana. But on the "Merlin" version, she does. Now, see, what's great about Morgana in this season is that she mostly does it alone and when teams up with people it's to use them for her gain. That's the difference between her between now and her in season 4. Then she had Agravaine and now she has herself and her own confidence. But that doesn't mean she doesn't make alliances for the sake of a plan and use certain other characters that you may or may not be familiar within the show in order to get her edge.
So she's dangerous to step up against!
Katie: Exactly!
source On Friday we offered you the chance to put a question to Merlin star Colin Morgan and we were inundated with hundreds of responses. We had everything from marriage proposals to queries about Mr. Morgan's favourite colour sent in but, sadly, we couldn't ask him everything. Indeed, had we done so, he'd probably still be talking to us tomorrow...
Mind you, we did get to quiz him about the end of the series, his plans for the future and a whole lot more besides. So, without further ado, here's your interview with Merlin himself:
What do you think of the end of Merlin's story? Does Merlin's story end the way you wanted it to?
Yeah, when I read the final episodes I was extremely pleased with them. I was also shocked - they were very unexpected. I obviously had in my head an idea of where they were going to go, and having read the Arthurian legend, I knew how it ended in legend. So I was very, very pleased with it and I think the fans will be too.
What’s your favourite memory of working on the show?
It’s probably my very first day - you know, being on set and that excitement and uncertainty, and the expectation of what was to come. It was just a huge adventure and I very much look back on that time as being very exciting. It was the beginning of an era.
Did you keep anything from Merlin, i.e. Merlin's neckerchief or anything else from the set?
I have kept some things but, as most of the five years has been on screen, I’m going to keep those memorabilia secret.
Who did you most enjoy filming with?
Richard Wilson, definitely. I always looked forward to all my scenes with him. He’s an absolute gentleman and a real pleasure to work with. And he’s become a really good friend. I just really enjoyed every moment I had with him.
Do you have a favourite episode of Merlin?
A lot of my favourite stuff has been this season so far, but in past series I guess my favourite one was an episode called The Last Dragonlord, which was the finale of season two. It was an episode where we got to see Merlin for the first time confronting an element of his past.
We got to meet his father for the first time and it was the first time, I think, where Merlin got given a true element of power. He was given the gift of the Dragonlord, which was the power his father had, and it was a nice glimpse of the past.
What was it like playing the old witch in the episode With All My Heart?
(Laughs) That was a lot of fun. I mean, I’d played old Merlin before - as an old guy - so when I read in the script that I was going to be playing an old woman, it was definitely a bit of a challenge. But it was very exciting getting to get the chance to play essentially three different characters in one episode. It was a lot of fun.
Was it you doing the juggling in Arthur's Bane and, if so, when did you learn to juggle?
Yeah, it was me juggling. There was a guy from one of the local circus schools in Cardiff who came on set and he trained me up. Once you get the technique down, then it’s up to you - you’ve just got to practice loads. I wanted to be able to do five [balls at once] but the guy told me that it took him over a year to learn how to do five. So considering I only had a couple of months, that wasn’t going to be possible. So I got up to four, which was pretty good.
Would you like to see a movie made of Merlin at some point down the line?
Now that it's out in the open that this is the final series, I think fans will be satisfied with how it's ended. To do any more would possibly go down an avenue that would lead to people being unsatisfied. I think it's important to end on a high.
What plans do you have for the future now that Merlin’s coming to an end?
To do stories that I love, scripts that I love and work with people who are passionate about them and passionate about projects. Whether that’s on stage or television or film, that’s the kind of environment I want to work in.
If you could star in any other programme on TV at the moment, which would it be and why?
I haven’t been able to watch a lot of TV recently but I do love Breaking Bad, I think it’s an amazing TV series. That’s my favourite TV series at the minute, so let’s go with that. It’s brilliant - it’s really, really good.
How would you feel about working again on Doctor Who?
Well, that box has already been ticked, but I feel very lucky to have been part of that. It was my first filming job really, so it was a great thing to be a part of, but in terms of the future? Probably not.
So, no interest in donning the bow tie or taking control of the TARDIS then?
(Laughs) No, I don’t think so.
If you hadn’t become an actor, what do you think you might have done instead?
I’m not sure because I only ever wanted to be an actor. There wasn’t ever a lot else. I think, as a kid, whenever you say you want to be an actor you get discouraged, so perhaps if I had have listened to those people telling me that, I might have gone down the route of a teacher. But I was never really going to do that.
What was it that first inspired you to pursue acting?
I’d describe it as a natural instinct. I can’t actually pinpoint anything that made me want to be an actor, I just did. And then anything after that just fuelled it.
What’s the most amazing thing a fan’s ever done for you?
One of the most amazing things, while we’re filming, is that a load of people turn up to the castle in France.
It's amazing because when we first started filming in the castle in series one, the show hadn’t aired. We were just there shooting and there were some people who were coming to see the castle and they were like ‘oh what’s going on there?’
And since that it’s just grown and grown each year, and the appreciation from the fans coming and supporting at the castle has been very overwhelming. It’s been great for us, great support.
Have you got any plans to attend any conventions in the foreseeable future?
Who knows? I’ve got nothing on the cards at the minute though.
You are an "Accomplished Bodrhan Player" and part of the Belfast music scence. Will we get to see you perform your instrument? Do you have any musical aspirations?
(Laughs) No, probably not. I’m a big fan of live music and going to gigs, but I’ll leave it to the professionals.